Oracle ACFS Command-Line Tools for Tagging (2024)

This topic provides a summary of the Oracle ACFS tagging commands.

Table 6-35 lists the Oracle ACFS tagging commands with brief descriptions.

On Solaris, acfsutil tag commands can set tag names on symbolic link files, but backup and restore utilities do not save the tag names that are explicitly set on the symbolic link files. Also, symbolic link files lose explicitly set tag names if they have been moved, copied, tarred, or paxed.

Table 6-35 Summary of commands for Oracle ACFS tagging

Command Description

acfsutil tag info

Displays the tags for directories or files in Oracle ACFS file systems.

acfsutil tag set

Adds a tag to directories or files in an Oracle ACFS file system.

acfsutil tag unset

Removes a tag or all tag names from directories or files in an Oracle ACFS file system.

See Also:

  • Oracle ACFS Tagging for an overview of Oracle ACFS tagging

  • About Using Oracle ACFS Command-Line Tools for information about running Oracle ACFS acfsutil commands

  • Oracle ACFS Tagging Generic Application Programming Interface for information about Oracle ACFS tagging application programming interfaces (APIs)

acfsutil tag info


Displays the tag names for tagged directories or file names in Oracle ACFS file systems.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil tag info -hacfsutil tag info [-r] [-c -t tagname] path [path ...]acfsutil tag info [-c -t tagname]

acfsutil tag info -h displays help text and exits.

Table 6-36 contains the options available with the acfsutil tag info command.

Table 6-36 Options for the acfsutil tag info command

Option Description

-t tagname

Specifies the tag name string to display. Enclose the string in quotes if the string contains a space.


Specifies the path name to one or more files or directories.


Specifies recursive action on a specified path.


Specifies case-insensitive partial matching on the tag name.

The acfsutil tag info command can recursively apply the operation to all child files and subdirectories if the -r option is included with specified directory path names.

If no path names are specified, the acfsutil tag info command searches all Oracle ACFS mount points for tagged files.

Only the paths of tagged files in an Oracle ACFS file system are displayed. If the -t tagname option is included, only paths of files with a tag name exactly matching the specified tagname are displayed. If the -c option is included, then tagname can be a case-insensitive substring of a tag name for a successful match. For example, the acfsutil tag info -c -t AG command would display path names of files with tag names such as tag1, ag, or AG.

Any user may use this command to display tag info on a directory to which the user has read access.


The following example show the use of the acfsutil tag info command.

Example 6-26 Using the acfsutil tag info command

$ /sbin/acfsutil tag info -r /acfsmounts/acfs1/myrepfiles/

acfsutil tag set


Adds the given tag to the specified files or directories in an Oracle ACFS file system

Syntax and Description

acfsutil tag set -hacfsutil tag set [-v] [-r] tagname path [path ...]

acfsutil tag set -h displays help text and exits.

Table 6-37 contains the options available with the acfsutil tag set command.

Table 6-37 Options for the acfsutil tag set command

Option Description


Specifies a tag name string. Enclose the string in quotes if the string contains a space.

The tag string can be composed of ASCII characters that include: a-b, A-Z, 0-9, the space character, the hyphen, and the underscore. The maximum length of a tag name is 32 characters.

all is a reserved tag name and cannot be set on any file or directory.


Specifies the path string to one or more files or directories.


Specifies recursive action on the specified path.


Displays the progress of the operation.

The command can recursively apply the operation to all child files and subdirectories for the specified directory path names.

When adding a tag name to a file or directory, the existing tags on that file or directory remain unchanged. New files that are created after a directory is assigned a tag implicitly inherit tags from their parent directories. Existing files in the directory do not inherit the new tag; these files must be explicitly assigned the tag. Renaming a file or moving a file to a subdirectory within the same file system does not cause the file to inherit tag names from the new parent directory. Moving a file between file systems uses a copy operation and the newly created file does inherit the tag names of the parent directory.

There is no fixed maximum number of tag names for an Oracle ACFS file system or for each file and directory. However, the number of tag names is limited by the tag names that fit in up to 64 KB of special metadata storage for each file and directory. This metadata also contains information to manage the extended attributes. Longer tag names reduce the total of tag names that can be set on a file or directory. For example, if all tag names were 4 bytes long, then it is possible to hold approximately 1730 tag names, assuming no other extended attribute information is present.

Any user who has the privilege to modify the target file or directory may run this command.


The following example show the use of the acfsutil tag set command.

Example 6-27 Using the acfsutil tag set command

$ /sbin/acfsutil tag set repl_grp1 -r /acfsmounts/acfs1/myrepfiles/*.dat

acfsutil tag unset


Removes the given tag name or all tag names from the specified file or directory.

Syntax and Description

acfsutil tag unset -hacfsutil tag unset [-v] [-r] {all | tagname} path [path ...]

acfsutil tag unset -h displays help text and exits.

Table 6-38 contains the options available with the acfsutil tag unset command.

Table 6-38 Options for the acfsutil tag unset command

Option Description


Specifies to remove all tags in the path string.


Specifies a tag name string. Enclose the string in quotes if the string contains a space.


Specifies the path string to one or more files or directories.


Specifies recursive action on the specified path.


Displays the progress of the operation.

The command can recursively apply the operation to all child files and subdirectories for the specified directory path names.

When removing a tag name from a file or directory, other existing tags on that file or directory remain unchanged.

Any user who has privilege to modify the target file or directory may run this command.


The following example show the use of the acfsutil tag unset command.

Example 6-28 Using the acfsutil tag unset command

$ /sbin/acfsutil tag unset repl_grp1 -r /acfsmounts/acfs1/myrepfiles/*.log
Oracle ACFS Command-Line Tools for Tagging (2024)


Oracle ACFS Command-Line Tools for Tagging? ›

To display Oracle ACFS replication information for Oracle ASM releases 12.2 or higher, use the acfsutil repl info command. Contains snapshot information about every mounted Oracle ACFS file system.

How to check Acfs in Oracle? ›

To display Oracle ACFS replication information for Oracle ASM releases 12.2 or higher, use the acfsutil repl info command. Contains snapshot information about every mounted Oracle ACFS file system.

What is Oracle ACFS used for? ›

In addition to sharing file data, Oracle ACFS provides additional storage management services including support for the Oracle Grid Infrastructure clusterwide mount registry, dynamic online file system resizing, and multiple space efficient snapshots for each file system.

What is acfsutil? ›

The acfsutil info file command displays information about a file in an Oracle ACFS file system. The information includes the extent map which details the locations of the blocks comprising the file and the used versus allocated storage for a file. Tagging information is also displayed for a file.

How to create an Oracle ACFS file system? ›

Creating an Oracle ACFS File System
  1. Create an Oracle ADVM volume in a mounted disk group with the ASMCMD volcreate command. ...
  2. Determine the device name of the volume that was created. ...
  3. Create a file system with the Oracle ACFS mkfs command. ...
  4. Register the file system. ...
  5. Mount or start the file system.

What is the command to mount the ACFS file system? ›

You can use mkfs to create the on disk structure needed for Oracle ACFS file system to be mounted. The mkfs command is the traditional Linux command used to build a file system. After mkfs runs successfully, the USAGE column in the V$ASM_VOLUME view displays ACFS .

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To verify what patches have been applied to an Oracle home, or to find out additional information about the Oracle home, use the opatch lsinventory command. The following example shows sample output of the lsinventory command, which indicates that a specific interim patch has been applied.

What is the best practice for Oracle ACFS? ›

The best practice for data files in Oracle ACFS is to use a clusterwide resource for the Oracle ACFS File system that stores the data files. If the data files are added after the database installation is complete, you must modify the database dependencies to list the new Oracle ACFS file system.

What are the advantages of Acfs tagging? ›

Oracle ACFS allows for file system snapshots, providing its user with the capability of provisioning test and development environments in a simple and efficient way. Tagging, Encryption, Security and Auditing offer a framework for flexible and secure storage management operations as well.

What is ACFS replication? ›

ACFS replication enables replication of an ACFS file system across a network to a remote site. This capability is useful for providing disaster recovery capability.

How to remove Acfs volume? ›

Removing an Oracle ACFS File System and a Volume
  1. Deregister the file system with acfsutil registry -d . ...
  2. Dismount the file system. ...
  3. Remove the file system with acfsutil rmfs . ...
  4. Optionally you can disable the volume with the ASMCMD voldisable command. ...
  5. Delete the volume with the ASMCMD voldelete command.

How do I add a disk to an Acfs file system? ›

How We Are Adding New Disk to ACFS Disk Group or Extending/Increasing The Size of ACFS File System Diskgroup
  1. Check current status of disks) ...
  2. List ASM disks. ...
  3. Check ACFS disks info. ...
  4. If you have free size in ASM than resize related path (In my case I have 30G free disk size)
Sep 15, 2020

How to create a command in Oracle? ›

To create a new table in an Oracle database, the CREATE TABLE statement can be used. The CREATE TABLE syntax in Oracle is as follows: CREATE TABLE schema_name. table_name ( column_1 data_type column_constraint, column_2 data_type column_constraint, ...

How do I add space to an Acfs file system? ›

Adding Disk to diskgroup and resize of volume with added disk
  1. Its 1.8GB. Add disk to existing diskgroup ACFS.
  2. Check in v$asm_disk.
  3. Disk added, now check the size of the asm diskgroup by executing lsdg in asmcmd.
  4. Showing 4gb. ...
  5. Now, /u04/acfstest showing 4g instead of 2g.
Jan 19, 2013

How to check current running scheduler jobs in Oracle? ›

Let's get into the steps for success!
  1. Connect to Oracle Database: Establish a connection to your Oracle database with the right credentials. ...
  2. Open SQL Developer or SQL*Plus: Open SQL Developer or SQL*Plus, which are popular for interacting with an Oracle database. ...
  3. Execute DBMS_SCHEDULER. ...
  4. Analyze Job Run Report:

How to check active connections in Oracle? ›

Once connected, run this query to view active sessions: SELECT sid, serial#, username, status FROM v$session WHERE status = 'ACTIVE'; Interpret the Results: This query will show the Session ID (SID), Serial Number (Serial#), Username, and Status of all active sessions.

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In a Windows environment, Central Inventory is in System drive /program files/Oracle/inventory .

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We can query the data dictionary to determine the number of cursors that are open per session. "V$SESSION" provides a more accurate number of the cursors currently open than "V$OPEN_CURSOR".

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