How To Use Selenium And Python To Scrape Websites More Effectively - ExpertBeacon (2024)

Web scraping is growing exponentially as a method for harvesting online data. Recent surveys indicate up to 88% of companies leverage web scraping to collect data for business intelligence, with Python being the most popular language.

Selenium opens up additional possibilities thanks to its real browser automation capabilities. It allows bypassing restrictions like CAPTCHAs which trip up other scraping tools. This comprehensive technical guide will demonstrate advanced strategies and lesser-known use cases to help streamline your web scraping projects with Selenium in Python.

The Growth of Web Scraping

Let‘s briefly highlight key web scraping and Seleniumadoption trends driving this growth:

  • Market spend on web scraping solutions predicted to reach $1.6 billion by 2026
  • 89% of companies in a Spiceworks survey are scraping data for business intelligence
  • Python dominates as the top language for web scraping by a large margin
  • Selenium usage statistics show 70% market share for browser automation

How To Use Selenium And Python To Scrape Websites More Effectively - ExpertBeacon (1)

Python leads for web scraping (source: The Next Web)

This confluence of trends around Python and Selenium underlines why mastering the duo can prove highly useful for web scraping practitioners.

Scraping Checkboxes, Radio Buttons and More

Interacting with HTML forms and controls via Selenium requires appreciating how browsers handle them. Let‘s deep dive techniques for checking boxes, selecting radio options and form submissions.

Checkboxes vs Click()

Checking boxes via clicking often fails since Selenium does not process them as clicks by default. This is browser dependent behavior.

Instead, move the mouse cursor over the checkbox with ActionChains first:

from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver import ActionChains# Initialize browser driver = webdriver.Chrome()# Find checkbox checkbox = driver.find_element(By.ID, ‘check1‘)# Move to checkboxactions = ActionChains(driver) actions.move_to_element(checkbox) # Check

Next, let‘s see how to check multiple checkboxes – say check1, check3 and check5 out of 5 total boxes:

# List for checked boxeschecked = [False] * 5checked[0] = True checked[2] = Truechecked[4] = True# Check required boxesfor i in range(len(checked)): if checked[i]: checkbox = driver.find_element(By.ID, f‘check{i+1}‘) ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(checkbox).click().perform() 

This iterates over the checked boolean list and checks those set to True. The key point is we avoid blindly trying to .click() and handle checkboxes differently.

Radio Buttons

Radio buttons only allow one option to be selected out of many. Here‘s an example to pick a specific radio choice:

# Get all choices choices = driver.find_elements(By.NAME, ‘choices‘)# Select our choice our_choice = choices[2]ActionChains(driver).move_to_element(our_choice).click().perform()

Tip: You can also use xpath, IDs or other locator strategies besides name.

Submitting Forms

We may need to fill out and submit forms during scraping. Use the send_keys() method to populate fields:

first_name = driver.find_element(By.ID, ‘first-name‘)first_name.clear() first_name.send_keys(‘John‘)email = driver.find_element(By.ID, ‘email‘) email.send_keys(‘[emailprotected]‘)# Submit formdriver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR, ‘button[type="submit"]‘).click()

This clears existing values, inputs our data and submits the form.

Handling iframes

Websites can load content in iframes or inline frames embedded in the page. Selenium will fail to see elements in iframes until we switch context to the frame:

# Store iframe web element frame = driver.find_element(By.TAG_NAME, ‘iframe‘)# Switch to iframedriver.switch_to.frame(frame)# Now can access elements element = driver.find_element(By.ID, ‘elementInFrame‘)

Note: We may deal with multiple nested iframes. In that case, switch into the parent iframe first before accessing the child frames.

Let‘s automate iframe handling:

# Function to handle iframesdef switchFrame(loc): try: driver.switch_to.frame(loc) print(f"Switched to frame {loc}") except: print(f"Can‘t switch to frame {loc}")# Call function switchFrame(1) # Index switchFrame(‘frameName‘) # NameswitchFrame(driver.find_element(By.ID, ‘frameID‘)) # Web element

This function handles all common iframe scenarios by taking locators as arguments.

Switching Tabs

Modern sites dynamically open new tabs on actions like click or form submit. Master tab handling techniques:

Current Tab vs All Tabs Method

# Open link in new tab link = driver.find_element(By.LINK_TEXT, ‘New tab link‘)link.send_keys(Keys.CONTROL + ‘t‘)# Store handles main_tab = driver.current_window_handleall_tabs = driver.window_handles # Switch tab logicfor tab in all_tabs: if tab != main_tab: driver.switch_to.window(tab) # Tab actions breakdriver.close() # Close new tabdriver.switch_to.window(main_tab) # Back to main 

This differentiates the original main tab from newly opened ones. We access the additional ones, perform our tasks and return back to the first tab cleanly.

Tab Index Order Method

We can also track tabs in order of opening:

original_tab = driver.current_window_handle# Open new tabs driver.execute_script("‘‘);")second_tab = driver.window_handles[1]driver.execute_script("‘‘);") third_tab = driver.window_handles[2] # Switch tabsdriver.switch_to.window(original_tab) driver.switch_to.window(third_tab)# etc...

Think of window handles as a stack or array storing tab references. We insert and pop tabs by order.

Warning: Balance tab usage to avoid overloading servers while scraping. Use delays, proxies and services like ScrapeStorm to prevent blocks.

Now let‘s tackle some advanced real-world web scraping challenges.

Logging In to Sites

Many websites require logging in before accessing content. This involves multiple steps:

  1. Navigate to login page
  2. Locate username, password fields
  3. Input credentials with send_keys()
  4. Handle 2FA/CAPTCHA if needed
  5. Click submit button
  6. Confirm successful login

Let‘s automate login for a fictional site:

# Import modulesfrom selenium import webdriverfrom import Byfrom selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keysimport time# Initialize Chrome browser and navigate to pagedriver = webdriver.Chrome()driver.get("")# Find user/pass fieldsuser_field = driver.find_element(By.ID,"userName")pass_field = driver.find_element(By.ID,"password")# Send login detailsuser_field.send_keys("jsmith") pass_field.send_keys("377*EhD")# Handle CAPTCHA here # Submit formdriver.find_element(By.ID,"loginBtn").click() # Verify successful logintime.sleep(5)assert "Welcome" in driver.page_source print("Logged in successfully!")# Continue scraping workflow...driver.quit()

This logs into our site, pauses to check if login worked, and continues if successful. Tweak selectors and credentials accordingly.

Logging in Across Tabs

We can also perform login across multiple tabs:

# Login tabdriver.execute_script(‘‘‘"","_blank");‘‘‘)driver.switch_to.window(driver.window_handles[1]) # Login page actions...# Main tab driver.switch_to.window(driver.window_handles[0]) 

This keeps credentials secure in a separate tab while retaining session access in original tab. Useful for sites that disallow multiple logins.

Handling CAPTCHAs and Tests

Sites may generate tests like CAPTCHAs to block bots. Here are some solutions:

  • Use the Audio mode to get CAPTCHA as a sequence of numbers/letters
  • Employ services like 2Captcha and Anti-Captcha to solve them
  • Rotate IP addresses using proxy services to avoid triggering tests
  • For A/B testing, locate and click/submit the desired version

Let‘s automate solving a common image CAPTCHA:

import speech_recognition as sr# Switch to CAPTCHA frameframes = driver.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, ‘iframe‘)driver.switch_to.frame(frames[0])# Click audio icon driver.find_element(By.CSS_SELECTOR,‘.audio‘).click()# Initialize speech enginerec = sr.Recognizer()# Receive audio clip with sr.Microphone() as source: audio = rec.listen(source)text = rec.recognize_google(audio)print(text) # Print text # Enter CAPTCHA solution driver.find_element(By.ID, ‘code‘).send_keys(text) #Press submit buttondriver.find_element(By.ID,‘submitCaptcha‘).click()

We switch context, transform the image CAPTCHA into an audio clip, run speech recognition to extract the code and submit it automatically.

This way you can scrape past CAPTCHAs effortlessly.

Scraping JavaScript-Loaded Sites

Another advantage of browser automation engines like Selenium is scraping pages leveraging JavaScript.

Let‘s scrape a site using dynamic infinite scroll to load content.

Objective: Extract all dog images


  1. Scroll to end of page
  2. Let JavaScript trigger and load images
  3. Extract image elements after loading finishes
  4. Repeat


from selenium import webdriverfrom import By url = ‘‘driver = webdriver.Chrome()driver.get(url)lenOfPage = driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);var lenOfPage=document.body.scrollHeight;return lenOfPage;")match=Falsewhile(match==False): lastCount = lenOfPage time.sleep(3) lenOfPage = driver.execute_script("window.scrollTo(0, document.body.scrollHeight);var lenOfPage=document.body.scrollHeight;return lenOfPage;") if lastCount==lenOfPage: match=True# Now extract images after full load images = driver.find_elements(By.TAG_NAME, ‘img‘)for image in images: print(image.get_attribute(‘src‘)) # Image urls/paths

This scrolls incrementally, comparing heights until full loading, before finding elements. The key difference vs simple Selenium is accounting for JavaScript actions first.

There are many other combinations possible around AJAX-based sites, infinite scrolling, filtering and more.


This guide should equip you to harness the true power of Selenium for robust web scraping using Python. The key is to replicate an end user closely while accounting for dynamic JavaScript behavior.

Some parting tips:

  • Employ proxy rotation, browsers, tools like ScrapeStorm to avoid blocks
  • Consider commercial scraping platforms like ParseHub if needed
  • Check legal compliance for your jurisdiction

I hope these techniques help you effectively gather and analyze new datasets. Let me know if you have any other questions!


How To Use Selenium And Python To Scrape Websites More Effectively - ExpertBeacon (2024)


How to speed up web scraping Python Selenium? ›

By leveraging multiprocessing, you can significantly speed up your web scraping tasks, especially when dealing with a large number of URLs. The scraping workload is distributed among multiple processes, allowing for parallel execution and efficient utilization of system resources.

Is Selenium good for web scraping? ›

This makes Selenium an excellent choice for scraping data from dynamic, JavaScript-heavy websites, often called Single-Page Applications (SPAs).

What is the best way to web scrape in Python? ›

How to scrape data from websites using Python?
  1. Step 1: Choose the Website and Webpage URL. The first step is to select the website you want to scrape. ...
  2. Step 2: Inspect the website. ...
  3. Step 3: Installing the important libraries. ...
  4. Step 4: Write the Python code. ...
  5. Step 5: Exporting the extracted data. ...
  6. Step 6: Verify the extracted data.
Mar 7, 2024

What is the best way to scrape a dynamic website? ›

Scraping dynamic web pages without Selenium

One of the best ways to scrape dynamic content is using a specialized scraper service. For example, Oxylabs Scraper API is designed for web scraping tasks and is adapted to the most popular web scraping targets.

What's faster than Selenium? ›

Playwright's execution speed is faster than Selenium's. The framework also supports auto-wait and performs relevant checks for elements. You can generate selectors inspecting web pages and a scenario by recording your actions. Playwright supports simultaneous execution and can also block unnecessary resource requests.

How to improve Selenium performance Python? ›

  1. Why Is Selenium So Slow Loading Pages?
  2. How to Make Selenium Faster: Best Solutions to Avoid a Slow Selenium. Tip 1: Block Selenium Resources You Don't Need. Tip 2: Choose Selectors with Better Performance. Tip 3: Run Requests in Parallel to Speed up Selenium. ...
  3. Faster Alternative to Selenium.
Sep 20, 2023

Is Selenium better than Beautiful Soup for web scraping? ›

Selenium is not as user-friendly as Beautiful Soup. Beautiful Soup provides an easy-to-use, straightforward API for beginners. However, because Selenium necessitates an understanding of programming concepts like web drivers and browser automation, it might be more difficult to set up and utilize.

What is the most efficient language for web scraping? ›

Python. Our first choice for the best language for web scraping is Python, which is arguably the most popular programming language. This versatile language is easy to learn, which makes it a top choice for the best language for web scraping.

Which Python module is best for web scraping? ›

Here is more explanation for the best Python web scraping tools & libraries:
  1. Beautiful Soup. Beautiful Soup is a Python web scraping library that extracts data from HTML and XML files. ...
  2. Requests. ...
  3. Scrapy. ...
  4. Selenium. ...
  5. Playwright. ...
  6. Lxml. ...
  7. Urllib3. ...
  8. MechanicalSoup.
Aug 19, 2024

Is web scraping better in R or Python? ›

Python Is Easier to Use for Web Scraping

This simplicity reduces development time significantly, making it an excellent choice for web scraping. R's syntax is less intuitive and beginner-friendly. Package management and installation in R can also pose a technical challenge, unlike Python's simplified library ecosystem.

How to make money with Python web scraping? ›

Trading and retail arbitrage. One more way how to make money with web scraping using Python is trading. An income can be earned online by buying one thing for a low price and selling it for a higher price. Using web scraping, you can find when prices drop to a price you want.

How to scrape dynamic websites with Selenium Python? ›

Web scraping with Selenium basic tutorial
  1. Step 1: Install Selenium. First, install Selenium using pip: pip install selenium.
  2. Step 3: Import Selenium and Initialize WebDriver. ...
  3. Step 4: Sample running browser. ...
  4. Print title. ...
  5. Step 6: Print content. ...
  6. Step 7: Close the Browser. ...
  7. Screenshot of a whole area driver.
Mar 12, 2024

Is it legal to scrape websites? ›

Web scraping is legal if you scrape data publicly available on the internet. However, some kinds of data are protected by terms of service or international regulations, so take great care when scraping data behind a login, personal data, intellectual property, or confidential data.

How do you scrape a website efficiently? ›

7 Best Web Scraping Tips
  1. Use Proxies. ...
  2. Use a Web Scraping API. ...
  3. Deal with Crawlers Smartly. ...
  4. Use Headless Browsers. ...
  5. Use CAPTCHA-solving Techniques. ...
  6. Be Cautious of Honeypot Traps. ...
  7. Tips to Use HTTP Headers and agents. ...
  8. Extra Tip: Scrape Data at Quiet Hours.
Jan 13, 2023

How to increase the execution speed in Selenium? ›

How can you execute your Selenium test cases faster?
  1. Open URL under test utilizing Selenium Webdriver (local/remote)
  2. Making use of relevant web locators, locate the web elements.
  3. Perform assertions on located web elements on the page under test.
  4. Relieve the resources used by WebDriver.
Jul 15, 2023

How to make Selenium code faster? ›

The Selenium scripts can be faster with the help of the following changes:
  1. Use fast selectors.
  2. Use fewer locators.
  3. Create atomic tests.
  4. Don't test the same functionality twice.
  5. Write good tests.
  6. Use only explicit waits.
  7. Use the chrome driver.
  8. Use drivers for headless browsers.
Oct 12, 2023

How do you make Selenium wait 10 seconds? ›

We can make Selenium wait for 10 seconds. This can be done by using the Thread. sleep method. Here, the wait time (10 seconds) is passed as a parameter to the method.

How to slow down Selenium Python? ›

One effective way to slow down the execution is to use step-by-step debugging. Most Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) provide this feature, allowing you to set breakpoints in your code. When the execution reaches a breakpoint, it pauses, and you can examine the state of the browser and the application.

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