eimmel clos. BEAUTIFUL li-room house Income. Allf el tanlis. tniin.lru l.ii. vlaa A GARDENER, Japanese, wants work riny.
HOLS EWORK. nil dav. day or by hour.l tabulstinr tyniit S78 contract or- month. Expert on lawn A KP colored. Ref, AX, M04, I Vteno hllliT, ih N- for.
colored'. tay or home "'roll? omNom I if. good linen, reas. rent. ear.
blk S. Ambassador. 8'J'I Kenmot-e For over twenty years th Lot Anielei Times hn GARDENER, long artistic St practical rxp.i nichis. 55 wit. Re(.
EX, 027B. truck tran.nnrtatlnn '1 1. led tht world in classified ads, thereb? attracting 7 stucco, otei.tuRid. renil )v. nin.
Heal rem tin, t. m- udv, housework by I ORGANIZATION HIILDEHS (AGY WE ARE LOAMNO MONEY oo owner-oceunled horuea At INTEREST No appraisal (ea, WINTER INVESTMENT CO. lltb floor. Van Nu.ve Bldg. TRimty il(i71 good opportunity nr right mini.
SII5 per week to start. Jnv. ol $12u0 req. Fully aeeureil As returnable. Miller Plumbing Supply 120., Washlng-ton Venice, phone MI47ti.
the Urie.it classified reading audience In the Weal. mm I GARDENER, expert, all li'an'hi', lull)! dnv Refs. ane hr. OLvmpla 73Kfi. ('number of rnmmer.e BWr Advertiser! pay no premium for thla superior aerv.
ra i'rice 51200. 14 baths rent M5. $250 cash. Exeh. 1130 W.
7 I si on IryT A-l Secretary, under .10 Ire, but on the other hand secure one ot the lowait la 5 garages, RENT S.MI. lliconie GARDENER, slngh'. Scotch "Amnriean. 101 plain conning, good exp, W-40. Time's I'kv roll plerk.lvnlat.
vnnnr NO rates per thousand In the United States. MAN lor delivery St iff. Smnll Inv. Pi ollt No tro-Pep, 'JHitii Hill NA ji.ni. hoi coin nil rooms, i'rice LAlJi', nuliirc, will rare for oil correspondent Times' low rates art made possible by three baile J.na Angeiea commercial Service Agy 4 1 7 Van N'nya Till A prtnir nta.
xi'ti, TritMS. trni s-r yrs. exp, in i.antwnia, it noon. GARDENER, export: warned lull lime. Ne York Life liirurance Co, invalid ldv or nonie nr.
mninved cnu. lactors: very lieat of refw llnx V''l, Timw Pie or mnthcrlces humc, l'hniirii 8cl-l UOOD liOMKSTIC JOBS MAN Ot'KN em- omU-. Ant g. KKdcr.ii I CA I.L AND LET I'S PLACE VOU BUSINESS Opportunities 110 WM (1) By mass production handled with efficiency; i.S"l","fnV., .7 ITm CurS.I.RKS.;. lt A-l iron-r.
I.gl i MffltAL 2tt W. SRI) ST. 2) By the elimination of all unnecessary bureaus, schemes or store, sni-nka Hnauinli. Herinnn. I'ri.
UKFit giuo and other side Issues whlcn have no practical value; MORTGAGES, Trust Deeds 131 I'S. Fne A.n.rf RonlereHllY clerk. Infti)rnnr Kncliali anil Japanese, worked lourljl AID lu lioiv. unud kcHiiinircna. Middle 0w ALTO CAMP LEASE.
Mod, ralilin. It acres W.liOAfS" 225. $100 bearing walnut trees. pump aa reimired. 840 s.
Union Ave. cafe. Hums lor chicks, Rent S55. 60-ROoM hotel. Broadway.
$12(10 handles, ling leasn. Sacrifice. Must su Texan. clears nin. MA No agents.
L. A. Ante, Canin. 1 mile i A i. v.
jeara in Arscmina, tirilguav. trillol seed M-tciilc. Rcf. lllllmlc Pacini Commercinl Rowan Bl'ly acq Anicrii-. aii, ni' I I II m.
h.Ii 1 .1 vr, it r.ih. VIA I. lifM (3) By the refusal of The Times to ive discounts to certain favored advertisers thereby increasing lha cost to others. All Times' advertisers are treated alike, and all get equal benefit of The Times' low rates and other advaniases. Compare Times rates with those of other newspapers and you will ouickly discover that your advertising in The J12UO 1ST T.D..
pay. S26 per mo. Willi discount $240. On fi rm, frame duplex! Tid OXford child, triflcm. Rcti NO, (IM10 M-nhanta 1'ci-aonncl Acy, wr.t PnmnnT 1 1.
ii i 1 .7, ii-ui, y.l lieur II run 11 rt' good. Price right. 2713 8. VERMONT in rear on ioi nl .17211 Mid I ALTO camp, lease, J.2 iiiodern caniiis, caie cnuns. tjwner.
IK, 7,74. GERMAN. aardencr. gouU Paint- IV iav or rotip.r. lulti, VVj I.ocw'a Stnte Rldjr serving nip peer, rigldaire eiiminiieut.
Rdtl.MINd-Hdlisr LEASES lft S2400 T.D.. S'ai 4-fannlv flat jaina owner a yrs. iscta over nut nWcf cr. i.ochi r. utroy iniiit.
sr.utttvi AJtr. riu, gen. oi-i 417 N. Canon itaverly Hills. flee xn hi-si W.
ft.MI4 JANITOR, all armind humlv man: cxu. nil rial to highway; WILL OOMS. redecorated, near Hollywood a. value $10.000. Mr, Bowles, CR.S21H ELL (T1EAP Ac GIVE TERMS I vine, gar.
A park. Good income. Item uj(I(I 1S1, 12', on income property 1140 il'i'H ST. L. A.
I S35. lease. Priced tn sell, 1004 W. til Present bank $111,000. SF.
rcr-aira, Rcna. lffs. Hiun ISECltKTARV. legal, uidarv. ell! EMI'lllVJIENT PHFI'A RATION 101 lent, encedv I.
opal ref. Wr JAPANKSK colleire ntixl'-nt dosirca Iioiim- HAL HA1LEY CO. TIIKOllill INSTKl CTKIN AUTO CAMP, tl stucco cabins ilc buaiitilui 1 0 did. all reined. Home ur work, near Calif.
Christian Colleio il SiXllKTAKV. rcm-h-Kiik li 811 Western ave. DP. Times costs you from Z33 to SU7 less. GENERAL RATES Per Line Per Pay.
CHARGE RATES: 1 time' Ho Daily. Me consecutive times 2e Daily. 38e 4 to consecutive limes 4e Dally. lie or more consecutive times 23e Dally. 2tte SO or more consecutive times He Dally, S8c Sun.
I 80-time rharse advertisers, when Inserting additional advertlsmenta. will be charged the following ratrs: 1 time 40c Dally. 45e Bun.i eonaerutive tlmea 2Se Dally, or snore consecutive times at the nil-time rate. EXCEPTIONS: Lost Found. Personals, Bsth St Massage.
Meetings, Legal B101 ii-riu. living uiiarletK. urotvrv. unc i. I imi i inn tuvHitilr, I'h.
DR. ft p.m. Rent rctii. Hillside tilfil. Stnlinn 1 4 ACTUAL enp.
on latcat (So Calif. I'HX INVESTORS vw camiari a fiuat entimmem in iiiv. We offer volt cnnuTvallrN 9L First I JAl'rtitM'J cook, a' il. uuuhi-wiir. SKCKri I liaukiriK, escrow ala.
2 A. sbadc. Kent $115. Do-1 i 1 ROOMS, rent $40: well turn. $.150 mesne lioiiblo Bar.
ot lease. I luitidles, Terms, 1023 S. Alvarndn. a I rick Aj i(Uiinient, for 210o 0 RtKlMS, partly water in Ii rnis iHA pinvidlnK many oprninss liny wnrKer: exn. Kfia.
pox n--ri. nuns, vrs It i VArkwny Trust Deed loans on new improved I neat wood Properties. Information I nun niirnt classes. 'J7II w. ru W'lioi) m.y wanis IHiH iiim in StCKKTAUV.
sleno. A-l. ellicicnl. rusiutniii iternfii'iiino. i garag'-s.
s.i.t. .117 s. fiOYl.STON. niHiiSKenient tL hoalnaa work. Th iin- iiiiiin-.
i i i rename, ren. lecai r-xp. i a. ii.Tn. mailed upon reuuest.
Jansa Invest nient Loan I'll 0111. I aoaii ti a piinin gas ala. ti Notices, Employment wltn investment, investments, un ana Mining. nuxli estab. training.
Graduate lels MTJ.I Wilshire. (Studio KX. 1 9 1 HOLDERS OF MORTGAGES IN TROC Iti. LI iL.oni; OIL AND MINING cine witn living oiiariers. near making money, rent niu JAPANESE student wanta nosiliiina laiinlv shCTil-'I AltV.
legal. wMiimrrcial, ic fnr rnntn lio.ird. Allium I14XH llnhli', Local rcls Ti cker JAPANKSE jr. colleice Htiident. iiuat.
Dine. practical exit, iieiiiiancin. CHARGE RATES: I time 50e Dally. 0c 3 consecutive times lease, s.viti full nr. IHI nth i'Ui.
awiti hlward, best inatruclion, plua real experience on busy board. See 35e Dally. 45c 4 to 6 consecutive times 300 Dally, 40c u. aiortgage or irtis.l Deed? Rceslablnh your iucome. I P.
II, Hawley. tio'l S. Spring. TH S.1!ix iirnrKc. I iM'i, ti.
I per 7 or more consecutive times 28o Dally, 35e Sun. AVOCADO A ciiriis market lor sale. 2600 1 wisa ford, Wllshire. KX. SKI.I hi.
vit, r.iiBie Kitek. nTO' SW, W- wnrker, 9 1 5 11AKERV, fully cuiiiDpeil, ready to open. I service; we teHeh you. Liberty Candy I CASH AVAILABLE TO BUY FIRST tr. MTGS.
HEnipstead 212S WANT T.D. or tinge, lor 4-rm. house, S.PIOU. JAPAN ESB U.C.L.A. student "oal" STENOIiUAl'HER.
exnert; gen. conmierci Tl'cker -ZIK. 4 lilerary exp, Reas, aalnrv HI. Assume contract, siou cam. Si-linU Co S.
Main. I'H 0438. 1 1 on goon nomc enooi, w. nioariwav, sin floor. EARN inilinn assi-tlng office or ronm cirar.
o.nt unngias iiuitr. va. (127(1. BEAUTY 6i barber tixuuee ol ciusrd slion. I MACHINIST lalho hand.
lO.vrs exit. 1(1 yis. exp, X. Notary, best noarti tuition assist home. Kfll 20 ACRES ill FULL PRICE A clear deed to 20 acres of land with all oil and mineral rights on easy terms, no interest, in the White Horse Domes District.
Investigate and act quick. For lull Information address Box Tunes. WILL pay cash lor Mtge. Guar. anytninr.
nrnnnpr, jwa. tin.t. relerenres. TRiintv 4'iftft. vn'-np, una W.
UK AM), fit 1271. ciency Plismeas onege, 717 Hill cans or 1st- bonds NO. Sri 14 MAlNTKNANtK engineer. electrician. sXENt in RAPHKlt-llDDK KEEPER BLAUli flitip.for sale.
Must leave town. SHOWCAKD1 A earn while learn 1 A' ine Brcadwav. Suite MIM. 1 Best ref. Pnx W-awO.
Times, nlftce rvork. Local w. ST. VAni ke fl' (I I a. 134 BLACKSMITli shop well (loll)tl JfJONEY WANTED 30 or more consecutive times 2Bc Dally.
30-Ume Charge advertisers, when Inserting additional advertisem*nts, will be charged the follow Ing rates: 1 time 45c Dally, He 2 consecutive times 350 Dally, 45o 3 or more consecutive times at the 30-time rate. CASH RATES nightly lawtr than the rsiular aale attainable aa I Is 7 time eVssn lions' at Timee effleat threugh a Tlatea' dainties' rtamintatlvt. SITUATIONS WANTED classifications. 7 or more consecutive times 15o Dally, 18c 4 to 8 consecutive times 17c Dally, one time 23c Daily, 28c Sun. The Times will not be responsible for more thsn one incorrect Insertion ef an advertisem*nt and reserves the right to adjust in full any error by a correct publication of the advertisem*nt.
Ratal far tarritarlaa eut'lde at Seuthera California an spaflMtlsa. TIMES OFFICE: I0D Braadvay. gls'a S. String TELEPHONI: MAdltan 1341, 01 Mr iseatrS la nearly every taa la Saulharn Calllarnla. MAS.
33 will pay 5100. ror position par- aivur. NEEli airls. learn operaie loniimnuetri' good biisinesH. Box W-17.
Times per V.K. txperienceu in m-l nr.l ii, 041 DOl.Gl.AS Hi. IIP II- 1 i a ii CAgE Rt-Hl tltllHil lllllltv. HllittlkUPBt I. A.
i.niiniinL nnri minina Dtiaineas. uoa i immiuhht 10 iwi Ui'llUt 1 1 1 (or paitv wil SHOO or 5000 ON clear nronertv H.rm hmi.e Part or I time. NO. LK'' tllioit Inner mchinebkpg, or TIMES ew modern, win eaits eoiiitiDed or more to join syndicate to operate old! Own-r ivvnoi's, fay bonus, TJ7T, rnrir I. rrr-l WKS.Hni.
IIMI7, IJ JVt s-U or land A bldja. 130U iTunucing goio silver mine, rromis- s.oo. LOT fiuxlus. small hou.e. who will give- honeat, hn.rH Ttlcker 40tft STENos.
trained tor legal work. No ice, MAN -'l aivnester. man in need fVnii, Tlelenltl pay hy services, Michigan 4418. it Money secured. value, $3320.
Near Hollywood CADE Drive-in. etizv. honnlike. moilein ioh? Her Hi Trs. Robert Brown, TUTORING, elenienlary Pilbiecls algeltia tt.
i.a. i nivo. ee vvesiern ave. Locttnart son. new couuter, tioollia, car serv-IFOU SALE 20(100 Sherman Wav.
Canofn Park. tvi'inr. yonr nnme. t.eas, )m I PMPI flYMCrJT OFFFBFri 1fl3 lou'i, stock in Worlds Fsiri spring. VAndike osis.
irr. I arp, nnn.h ri.i,,,,, a. eh im MAN 'l vrs. Oil till PurchaiiluTaTorea 1 i cll He. epnomsi.
pio'v -T." cash liioid ba! terms. Ol. IMI4'? i II-F ST T.l. 7'ei on 4-rooli, house in Silver. Fctnt Full lif.l i n.
i I la.it Min.i.nniinn I anwnrM A. House. OP. OOlllgl HUB. cctl.r.K HJ.ll'AlX 1.
n.lLl!.tti 'l x-dc t. rh-11 on Large Volumcl Address Box A-4. ivu.ha.i witn noy, 10. cook at general. i nwsn, sj.iooo policy tnp J10.
No exam SlUOd mo. Beer. ISenn. n.ti-lr Partner. I 3 rri uttit Bl MAX.
vnunr. rnn.l education. tiisagree. $120 cash Bi'iSn mm nui.LT oiui. ox 724'J city or country, exp.
on ranch, relia-l McSaughton. Rni. 1-4 W. 4 st hie. beat re(s.
Salary open. 6533 Vi I AUTO salesman, sell Ford cara trucks 7v a. zr "aeir-n isinon ior sunsiauuai interest in i. tin Ulior, coinpanioii or pereunui CAD Pastry shop, private home, nav fully equipped CaliL sold ni iue. now 1.
Vermont ave. brick store leas- a. an renro, near court on ancy. t. nn.llimi tn I i tt r.pvri) it IT I rt vt tin.
61 iiii. uiisiiieaa ior coupie; traue est. men who ottalKy: must have Fni-rT LECAL NOTICES operating. brokers. Thomas en to gateway, nose.
CM. I ward. ll'JA IIM, TO rit 1 -5 I S-'llIlli rri A. 1.. INDEX TO THIS PAGE MAN' with a-ton truck, long, short hauls.
-T rept. nrea I a iaic Go nnvwhere. Ken, wcirningsnie iinv transportation. MI. for sppmt.
CARPENTERS it painters (or Dart salarv V. AW UK .111,1 TA. r. I I A HTNK IL ffolH r.A-.r ClOS. m.
No bonds PA. 4474 A.UI.IHUI. ririi NOT rsponaihle for any debts contracted! MAN. 41. handv, wishea any kind o( workl It part tuition: law or business $3o.
Business $40 day A operated by I s. Iter hr. Jl.Oo yd. Mother Lodc.260O. CLEAR, itiipioted boulevard busi-l Classification Numbers Pmresalnnal Kervirrs :0 to 41) ny anyone out myself, alier Sept.
IS. I Hox w-iin, -iimes. J)RESSMAKERS, MILLINERS 83 conrai': t.niversity. 747 Hill. nai.
terms, t.owper. w. 1 I ii.iiiii-b. ti.ni vt vtaningtort i nesa. Ar.geius nun.
ni.i. A4 MILLARD T. HOW EI. L. Mav with 3 children to support.
Take JU CAKTO0N1ST, amateur, part-time, inclose sample and return postage. Cartoon Aiirliun Hales Kdurational 6 Titeutrlral WILL not be; responsible Jor any delrtt.1 any steady work. PIT. Hiitlli, Rny, I AKKH. A-l.
in fitting and stylos. contracted by anyone ol her than my- PAINTING, decorating, tinting. A-X. JS.50 2.6i day. Ol.ynipla run tantnr ki'khakk.
iu At I CAi-E. atlraetlve on main highway. 1531 0N V' El Caiuino keal. San Clemeine. Cnl A Vr cent Box 41 Time? appraisal $20.000.
Wyoming- 4S73 CAFETERIA. Noon lun.h. Seals M. Rent oiiLA oil le-n- lest Uowe.l oil IJ -ii. 1ST mlge.
on real estate, discount Min cash. 30U w. 2nd st i'Vortie' for om- legal ixotlrea egal rsonrrn -r iiuiu kw. i-irH num. i nav or coniract.
vii. l.flKSSMAKr.K. lsLelass. St lsfacl inn guar I 1 1 KT r.n u-l. ihm.
Li atMii.iin Trade sWvlrre. to eiH lull WAT VICXt A married, tiniv. grad: til Your hnme or mine. i-'Ederil 4P40. I narticulars.
Her H.S73. Times CANDY, sod drink, cigar Fin- Chandler. nwnr. 021 Coml Exch. Bldg A.
full-hearing Redlauds 6 COATS, ESSES, sr VE LlbTHlUU'lOKS. C.I. A. Ills mul gUILDINC TRADES 11 1. 1 1 1 imvri trritvt" riT 'i imoa Wltn geneiai clerical MOPU.IMi.
ji.MI.T. ft. tK.41, I men. l(lll or ii'Ciiin 11. ifim i un LViv i a sn.ui ii i CIRCLLAilNG Libraiy, luisy Inwn mar i.l-!1'-'l.trttl.
nais ucsign' i a ieiiiuneieii, returnarile. 3 Of) it E. ALTERATION. Remodel. Termite correction Bea.
New welL Hover own" l0J! Vvestn VveV er. Rm. 300. S12 W. S.
Ph. TU.NU22. -t Westein aveg. ROSE. LN.
255.1. Mitiiatlons Wanted Jo I Kmplo.inent OrTered to JO Huaiiiraa tlpnortuiiltles. .1 10 to ll.j Hntel. Apartment Isaacs ,114 to lit Oil and Minute rernunul I'ruperty 133 lo lieal Estate l.oitna Mortgage and Trual Deeds J-IJ Money Hauled lit NOO 19, erimient Vwce? Add ess j. A.
Fentoii. your home or kcrs. Eue 4 POPLTRT ALESM AN.W ANTEll. enient, faint. exp.
YO. on 1 .1 T.ll im- rm. Cau net $100 mo. Vt. WO.
1071 I LED CAPITAL; Consult NationaVcorp. CARPENTER. Day. Contract. Kemodel ape- Stnte LONG BEACH.
"ill S1I.MAK VAN NHS at ia. ncutuuei epe-l lttl.1 ftaie j.u.it elii n. 1 proved income properties. TR. (1424 841 EXCHANGE man.
experienced. Must know Al. I (TV ff. I1H- If nnm at 1 VV all ssTltBCCf cinlit, Satist.tctiim guar CI. 117 STUDENT will work from 2 n.m.
on lor JXjUKiti UAltJ'ENTER KEPAIR3 At ALTERATiONt I room hoard. Box W-SS1. Times. IJ WET loesi connition. All answera strictly A thy power ulai-er machine.
I 111,0 uU0" uiiincuutbered Hollv-Vin, 1 eJ b.m 11 7. wood business property. B. GR. rlHI 4 COFFEE shop, beautiful furn.
Sell or take -onnucntui. nox B-40S. Times. I it Anrelrs fionspa Tor iair iw NEATLY DONE. FEderal ortiinr.
mix v-lt. lllliea I STUDE LIST nigra, namru on imi Mti tern income security: today's value on CARPENTERING, painting, concirte work. for home and SIP month. FI. 1122.
P(t. t-hai-ge. 24-hr. service. I'KSDl' men.
women, small inv. fio 80 V'1 I 245 S. Western, nn. 4. mein.
S.nlil. Darker, lol Sit St. I tnp i FINANCING co-opi ration Huntington I (he best spot In Weslwood caiiva losing sung. tiowntown good building; present net tiir-orm. Si'Mllfl incomo $2400 a guaranteed! HEALTH AIDS Bath.
Masai Isssaqe fir iiywiiiis.iiceneeii. driver long tltsiance nid. Epe-I wy. ii.ti. American nurses torn, CEMENT.
LOWEST PRICES. No lob too rienced in petroleum. VE. 6054. I PRACTICAL imise.
middle-aged. d'iie8 U'NsURANCt is security salesmen. Luueiiai year: Business DRESS SHOP, wells. Details, Hox TJ-3lrl. Times large or too small PL tt.ca i vr.
care ot Invalid efl.cienL Ltg VA'l rental on long lease trom AA A-l ten ant. Inquire 225 E. 1st. Long Beach L'tOOl MELROSE APT. 1).
GL. 03U xiitage. more paruanv lurnisliiil. See West wood Hlvd. OXfonl (1734.
iiaa i llnf- ,11" HTW At I -nut- work. inn. Rets. P.442 tITH Ar CLAIMS rich sold placet All or pait CEMENT work. Heaa.
Steppiiic Tunes. exp. 6l ref. Box W-7 rnone Mgnts MASSAUK jingiictii-. illtiur.
kiiellentMAJ Plenty water. S. FIGUEROA. VCUSF. kiml.
Itii'lcilt stones a specially. CEntury ZHMi I Dlti VE-1N SANDWICH STAND worth oi good illcomel See our ad. Class 103. Snndsjr. lOo W.
ST. KM. 4(111. 10-10 SUNDAY 17511. CEMENT, brick, piaster, repairs, new.
Low YOUNG man. married, wanta congenial referenda. FEderal AViarveluus incaluin. 111,1, full a-I Property as security. Moral risk A-l i wr.ru m-in iiri.Miipi-r ill biivii iii-i-iiii'iii 1 stamps, in agn'-itcs, v.n'inn euuipped: good lease; very reaa.
rent. I Prices. Free estimates. GL. Itlflt.
123 I KOl.CJL, i 1008 tITH ST. ROOM 020. rmtH nlncatinn ami ref. Willing to NURSE, practical, relined. neat, capable.
J0NEY TO LOAN neas. tiontis. AiitUKe 1111.411:1: si l.MtT llih st. 1 teat house impure iin.il Hlvd. K.yer.
CEMENT work. 7c ft. Guaranteed. None ream. Art shop exp Rl.
7ll.i:i. A-l housekeeper. wk. Ml. nft.l shop exp LN any amounts.
Well secured in estab. Santa Monica, tai. rtr i enlnred. colored, DltlV'I-: IN. 6178 S.
Huntington Hr. L.A. hetter. tree estimate Richmond 2.t.lS COMPANION, nurae or small adull MAN of umiiiestmneit ir At FLOORS laid, samied. nolisii.
Licen -on-1 YOUNG man. wishes work in fimiily A-l refs. WYoming .1455. at onT oualifT llHOMAS At THOMAS, eatab. 20 jrrs.
Sw oiisiness. 11 will pav 10 ln-l veslu-ate this. Kefs. Box X-225. Times! n.mnir..
iH'taii. trnnt mvner. private lamily. Good worker. S3 sh can.
Km a tractor. Dependable Floor Co, Til HU44 DRUG STURE. ex--client loe. 111 Uleuilale.l fRACTlCAb nurse, massage, go struct salesmen sell lm Itonm 002 35-A. ran-h, near Seminole Hot SDrincs lioaritez room, mis, i 747 r.
HILL KM. 210. 10-1U It SUNIIAY GARAGE S4.r; shell ot house Sl'ill. Build anvwhere. excellent rets, K.x.
etui I Clear: value want Sloool nx riiin s. Hill st -eea cisli Ior ntlg. puriiosea. This store It loe. will sui prise you fori Spec, sianips.
magnetics, lanmi- anywhere. Wilyon. 211 W.SO.AX S7S1 1 YOUNG man. college education, general ot- NlJItSE PRACTICAL. EXPERIENCED, i MAN have mind Di to nine in hsrr in i tit nrg.
H'r. i.a ltoda. AL. 12511. loRIENTAL REJUVENATION, 10-K It Sun BEST REFERENCES.
CR. div. (or man exp. in fix. bus.
Phone Tiitni. 1.. n. Uli S. llrand, Douglas 3n.
"'l. ri 1 1 neit. i-iianti-i. jo; uain. consider nnvthinff.
Jim. MA. Complete magnetics, vt.o, ni. I OS ANCtLF.S HOUSES 140 fllACTlCAL nurae, any ceilings tinted, stains killed. S2 (O1.0NIC IRRIGATION.
RECLININt t-i sv writi. vnt-Ko Ttenendtthlf I S2II mo. Mrs Knee and. LA. 21115.
r.nr.it miuih am. a- hah if; tt paper. $3 rni. Sherwin Williams mntt FOUNDRY for sate, t.nernt im-. flilli- .11 ti a.
CABINET swr.Ats. 1 online twin trustworthy. Greatly in need of work GRADUATE, young and agreeable. MAS-MA-- Reliable parly with exp. lu take rials fin-it, A HEAL JOB.
Al). 4Q7S iitu. uwurr 111 nospitai. gooii ileal riglit I II-SHIRK AND Vt EST I DON'T WASTE TIME TRY THE UEST. Ite s.
i SAtiE PA. Itt.ia s. oxtoro. I it.trtv. i-nnne Ainlitre PAINTING, paper-hanging.
J2 rm. Free esti 1 tl 1 4 i in-lit Uni vr. nr.v..iM 1 southern jobbing houe (iive lull Par HtLIl Ii market. A-l loc. ust I mate, rirnt-ciass work and niuterijii tn-iilars Box W-lrl.
Times. 'tis! unv v.i;.i I n. At iitun worker, Invalid mild AL. 1(180 I OPERATORS I it I CHOICE TREATMENT 60 DAY'S BEFORE 1ST PAYMENT A A MAKING LOANS FURNITURE, AUTO OR TRUCK A 0 DON'T MAKE A NT LOAN UNTIL YOU INVESTIGATE THIS NEW PLAN SAVE TO 60" When Making Your Loan. Fnr Further Information Concerning This Rig Saving Call at a A OFFICE New office hours a to 5 daily.
Saturday 9 to 1. 9TH Si FIGUEROA STS. ML 6303 Los Angeles 5220 Wllshire At La Brca. OR. 1247 Los Angeles rd.
or mental. exp. sen. Bargain. 2sm TV.
PICO. guar, Mavtlo wer Patterns. TW, 112 BANK OFFERS FOR SALE Homes, duplexes. 4 flats, apt. St business bldgs.
Also stnsll (nrm. At MAN. some stora or office cap. About $100 till 12. 225 wiT.ltK.
API, ji NURSE, kind, dependable. Specialize nerv i IaLIT Ic vegetable market (or rent, (tilly first mo. Retail work. Real Silk Ho- IbaTH massage. 2: hath ii alcohol rub, iti i a Tinmc ttAslTtn tt aged, mild mental.
chronic. MA.5124I i-'iuitu. iiieat IOI-. MP is. VIKt.IL, ban hoiiies AT LOW FORECLOSURE! siery w.
6th. Room Bin II. H23 S. MUrt. VA.
P4.1I1. "oik material the very best, I VllunilVMJ rcutiiu ''I. Snecmlize apts. PETERSON. GR.S752.
Bv Couples TRAINED 1. vni.u ui in 7-; rrr rr- GARAGE, studio trade. Hollywood. itiiis, r.asv terms. L.111 tor our la I-1 valid, local refs.
SKI wit Ml. reapoiisioie, under 411. married, with a.i a 1 EXPERT MASSEUR. HOME CALLS I REDITING a specialty, PA. 1.,1, LdLiriiiiK, uidirridis, 9.1 a c-r.
i i I '7 1. Writ a car (or field sales position. front over $200. Terms. TPS.
MANOR. 4 lit W. Sth. Hm 1104 rm a tin Vnt R.Hm. CA 1MMB I ftisr.tviv a.i mu na.
ttt'e. I) KT AS. PRACTICAL. Sit KSt. USht nnx w-ui.
Times I vtw viCVUVVT. XF.W Nl RSE e'T1. e. ---I ANVWHK11K Kr.rS. r.XnoSltlon "etll PAINT, paper, decorate.
Fully guar. Reas, A-l. can.ihle full charge, local reter- MAX. PERMANENT POSITION GAS station, uets 405. Kollywuod.
Super. 2 ii roaoway. nm in-m est us; 01 attractive onerinr. EDGAR SELECMAN 029 Spring st. 4'h floor ML 0111 WINDSOR SQUARE MANSION HANK LIQUIDATION 17 room 5 halh liome at ant enees Winters Terrace 1 Pasadena I 13 vrs.
ju. a wr. Kress. Ea. Rg.m, Executive ability, good education aell- IcOLONIO irrigation, ntaisage sulphur i-ei rent io.
Keal terms. E. I. WALLACE. 717 S.
FIfltJEROA. 90 rMPLOYMENT SWAPS mg exn. Slate ph. Box B-ftSI Tmiea PAINTING, papering, tint. $3 rm.
up. High-class cook. I hn 7(m icvernaie. vx i 7,110 Li Employment Wanted or Offered I MAN, single, with car, work Ventura Co inci. vLevriaiiti butler.
Served nonility. Hirheei local GAS STATION. 4 pumps. Want light tieliv- 8th At American ave. L.
B. 600128 I PAINTING, carpenter, all kinos of roof rev ery trlleg or 4 (51 S. HKOMIVVA refs. Intelligent, honest, loyal, trust-1 tn exchanoe for eervlcee or ooode i w. i nr ii 1 1 wvuwuv Wind-or.
exquisitely finished in hard! neat appearance, reliable. Hollv word Blvd. Rm. 42'). Call 10 a i.iii.
a-in CANITARIUMS. Hospitals 44 t- and Rest Homei pair. A-l lor leys. Fltrroy tilthri. wuriii.v.
v. tl idmr lull I GROCERY, market on highway, good bus woous. unered lodsv at Iration oil PAINT. pair. day or contract.
Father A CHAUFFEUR, butler, cook, maid, excel- BUI for services. PR 7W1 MAJ lK' i0l'B- S' eek Living rma. 7777 San Fernando Rd upen daily 10:30 tn 6. TtJ.d 430 Long Beach 104 W. Colorado st.
Terrace 4074. Pasadena 10th A Broadway. Franklin 7131 San Diego son need work, anvwhere. PR. I lent ret.
roloreci conpie. t.r.. 1 im. r-it mnay. ran t-enro JCs'T COMPLETED (ieautitul Monterey.
I KINDEST attention given to elderly in LUNCH. Average $20 day. A beauty. Seat. nurse i snire nome.
nest loou 1 1 I t. tvUX.UltC.il cnauiirin. naiuciin, will n.t PAINTING, papering, enameling A tinliug. (COLORED couple, good cook, cliaufteui I part jjme B.ryicea for rm. ie board.
counter 4 Dooms. All new nxt.l 0 4 sun den. 31 baths, wide verandas, rare shrubs. Onl high knoli. Follow arrow, (mm lis.1 care.
Large porches, furnace heat .,.1 whim. r.riii'ini t-i'io. h. Local rri. 10 yrs.
exp. uitexei oive-away price Terms. 3514 W. Hth. MEN.
EXPERIENCED. DIRECT SALES Best ref. Ratea rcan. Exposition i-irp PAPER turn, ii hung SH rm. up.
Enamel COLORED couple, excellent local 1 r-N Pl.O WOMAN TEACHER, want LUaNCH. Do day. $25 rent, lo VACUUM CLtAEK SALESMEN. I $60 MONTH. Medical care, electro-therapy Kitcnen is.
Guar. Whltmore.M0.17fiS5 ling to work. I.tnuirv rno fn. sYVnmnre 4454 S. Durango, 3 blks.
W. Rohertson tol Lark Ellen Circle. OX 8317.1 stoma. Downtown. Terms.
Dill W. 24-hour aerilee inci Lonvaieacents. cArE Rri ANGER. 15c roll. Finest work- COOK bousenian.
loai 4 i.isi LUNCH. Seats 34. Beer, no buuday. live I of good character with nrnyed sales production record. Unusually attrac ONLY SS750 REDUCED SsOUOl elderly, chronic.
LAfayette el24Q nianrnip. Martin. VErmont BH2H I pl.n-c. Anicncan-Mungarian. m.i 10c.
owner. s. L. A. St.
EMERGENCY LOANS Furniture At Automobiles Contracts Refinanced Helpful. Confidential Service Seven Years in Hollywood MR. LYON GLadstone B303. Beatitilul fi 2 41 baihs. Large den.
Full lile kiiS.n A-l CMPL0YMENT OFFERED 97 i. I ii Esrsrcs.n i'ATCH PLASTER. No lob loo small Keat I COUPLE, young, white, refined, januor MT WASHINGTON. REST OUIET, LUNCH, grocery. Well estah.
loe.il blvd tive connection with, large department store. Sattufartnry drawing account. Box W-162, Times. una reasonarue. AUama RMIU, I maid, apt, nousc.
ai. eo ueautnui view, excellent tooa Si care hath. All modern improvements. Choice! trane. Keasonahle.
11704 Wllshire. l.nw ratea At.oanv PATCH PLASTER, cement stucco. Large GERMAN couple, young, cook, chant- AGENTS. Sell Wilkil Products, Jo Pasadena I ELDER UY iwmlH taken ill lovely Wilshll MAN. energetic, handle contract hauling: or sniau jon.
Keasonanje. u.i.i teur. Duller. A-l rci. laac iuit cnarac.i nuus-wivrs.
aiuph a.m. iocauno, ixh 3'il N. ALTA VISTA BLVD. ONLY S-5IMI CASH home, superior lood at cans lurnact WHitney 440t. ICHUCOLATE dipping, teach trade (or serv- PLASTERING It PATCHING.
Rig lob 01 must purchase new cmiip. SSiiu handles. See factory representative. R001111 heat, sun pnrcn. Keas.
r.nerai jni.i ices and part pay. Xomt Vermont. small. 45c hr or contract. Old walls BEAUTIFUL Hanco*ck Park home, lOl -is.
c--t norx. tor appiintment Rl) I CHRISTMAS CARD SALES PEOPLE. LOANS $10 St up OUICKLY ARRANGED For People Steadily Emploved DOMESTIC SM ALL LOAN BROKERS 704 S. Spring st. Rm.
207. TR. 3001 Office hours. a.m. lo 5 P.m.
IrTTS. nnrsA tor aged, blind. mane like new with stucco. I 201 MLN Opening of our new fall line enables ua to place 5 new uien on our aales lorce. These positiona offer tier-manency with an organization that can give you a future.
See salea- ,1 tue natns and snowers. 4 bed MAN, gm. olli'-e duties, $125 ealarv A i SITUATIONS WANTED kJ Bv Women rms. At sleeping porch, chauffeur's! sunny vmsnire nunie.r i.n in PLASTER patchiug. small, large, done neat HOC rAUllsm: Cards, backed by lowest PRICES.
Average nio. $000 mnnred. se-enred. returned 0 mo.11.15 Venice Blvd. riuarieis.
I "ST BE SOLD this week. LARGE room in lovely REST HOME ly lieas. time or contract. CA titlVAlL mom lo loan on film. EATEST VALUES.
HiHEWi niansger. s. HKtiADWAi. Meet attention, preierreo ri'i '( PLASTER atucco. cement tile brick AMERICAN notiee cleaning exp Pl.1,1, OPEN FOR INSPECTION 2-6 P.M.
etc. s.io-mooo. 6 4 int. 12 mo. to COMMISSION'S and unrivaled FREE I Opening for 6 meu.
aomti sales aba MEAT MARKET FIXTURES. New. Also IHOLI-YVIErt' sanitarium Ouiet Vistas ol Tinirinir TWinn.b, (lTOW I w.jiii.iii. i. pay.
inuorsers. Donaldson. I.A. 221 1 Used, renin bargains. Libera term.
i'l tl JI.NS. ity, experience, not necessary, can earn garnen. tiraunate nurse. .1111. DEAL to customers.
4 amazing box card values, with unheard of selling TILE finks baths, etc. Also repair. AM R. laundress, very ''j. Terms.
Otx-n nights. TW11H7 cleaner dav. fare. Refs. CITY' REFRIGERATOR corner I l' VOI LOT DE LUXE 12-RoOM.
4-BATH HOME CLEAR AND VOL I LOVELY rni lor invalid, graduate nurx! and Alametl.t. ADams HI 51. $25.00 per week at utart, steady work seven hours per dav Mr. Miner. Room 5(17.
llinr.il AT VALUE Or LOT ONLY LIKE NEW -I'ACIOUS OROCNfiS hnme. ft'f El 1 entro, s. fasanena TLLE DRAIN BOARDS 1 2.50 UP. Guar-1 APT. HOUSE OWNERS ATTENTION I Plan and money back guarantee.
See Mr. Stanton or write now. N.U.A. PROCESS CORP. K.R.A.
OUIET rest hnme for elderly ladles anteed. FREE ESTIMATES, OR.H5Q1 PARTNER wanted. Working partner in Don't you think you could keep your PtTFVT k'lvivrr tt-MTt vi i.L- Alli.Mlll.v DOCTORS ant. house full if you had a manager! tuners. Excellent care.
RMS. 717-1S. 40S S. SPRING ST. TILE SINK AND 15 UP tails to nnr tivps 1 stixittti si- ikij ts hii liui.v equipped and proven Califonuu gold properly.
Investment reu'iired. $2000; salary 51.5(1 per month Room I LOVELY HOME FOR ELDERLY. 1st (lour t'A. 47a. Evenings.
OXIord ftOfiH. with "Striking personality wno couiu CKEW manager with crew for city, Also b.ia;i in-4iuiiiii tvusnirri read character A please each in MEN with cars, deliver samples. Take orders. Expense allowance. Fuller Brush 112 W.
ONLY ROOM 'Jiill. S. LA BRFA. Best food. 4II2.1 -Itllssrll live.
tlUtf l'J adjoining towns. Good proposition. FOR LUMBER AND BUILDING MATE- f'l'RNITl'KK LOAN'S I25 KTf "TEN' KtlVtAM HLIKi. dividual. If so write Box W-74.
1 ah T. n. PARTNER, Iti vr. estah. bus.
10 han-l exp. Aggressive, pleas- mux to take orders lor merchandise A- IMM. A'lams. Aiiams OWNER MUST S.CItlFirP HFSITTTFI't tue oince tv details Exp. uiiueeessary.
I Will teach. Books St bank statements I DEPAIRINC CLEANINC 68 ing personality, aauawn wn WOr( en art, girts eewing. Com. pti. past 4 yra.
Capable lull charge help daily. 10 a ni. 742 W. 77 st. 50 iii-room r.ngii'n Dri-K.
large cor. 1001 AUCTION SALES MEN at once. Old estatt. food co. Sales exp.
unnecessary. About S15 week lo start, ill 4 17 St. See Norcross. Gardenino. Lawns prove nils, clears s.kio mo.
litis, exi-h. j'aii reiinired. 1M12 W. Dili st. x.iio; trfst vaine vtiismrc dit.
Makel Furniture JJesiro large nisi-ciaas wtin motion nictnres 7 jt- ttnv nie G1K1.S interested in nionoti pictiires. apt. small sal.tr. Box A--U. linns S() f).
1751 Glcndale. oii'-r. oil. til JO. CARPENTER, oaintini? nsnerlnr rnof re.
PARTNER. Iirokcrage linaneo firm Dv aMEN, specialty A side line. Gar. A h.n HAVE CASH! WANT A HAHtiAIN- pairing, ion too small. EA.
017.1 Af AKiJlEivi as noici owners ibks ihhicc. side duties. Will teach right narty. ware, new prod. 2135 S.
Los Angeic; GIRL. ATTRACTIVE. 18 to 25, office AUCTION' TRTDAT. SEPT. 15.
P-30 A.M. 4TUS Sft NflRMANnlF AVE. FURNITVRE LOANS You are charged only for the time you keen the money. SEABOARD FINANCE CO 10th At Flower. TR.
HOR.1. BROS Hollywood Plvd. GL. Lyon, formerly with Hollywood Loan. FURNITURE LOANS NEW DEAL.
$50 to $2000. Private money. CLEAN HOUSE IN 6 HRS. 2 men. Elcc- mo.
aNoui. inv. 11 115 7th st. re tnts new ti.room 2-storv home 170 Vista, near 3rd A La, Brea. For ntlcient mgrs.
csu 1.01s moran contact department. Co-operative Apt store experience. Box B-451. Times. MEN sell for nationally known nth tne polisher free.
Refs. AX. S.I45. Regular weekly auction house i full ma ne otter, onen 11 to 4. LADIES.
OPPORTUNITY IS HERE speeiaity concern, box nine. ft Hotel Assn S-l w. st. va PAKCNER, iiiK-nciiruocred, ior unusual hotel proposition, small capital req. CLEAN windows, woodwork, yard Floors SACRIFICE LESS THAN HALF ot cnean.
nieoium and goon turtuture rugs Ac gaa rangea of all kind. lnctud New woman's division being formed. PETROLEUM engineer, field A ofhee exp Follow radio leads. Car necessary. Seel lull lime lob.
Give eomnlrte record i w'axeti Rubbish ThauTed Ref A APT. n.gr. exp Competent. Good class, me tr. riium sired apt.
DR. 04.111. Apt, loll glt.hb!1. Wi.1.l..u.. n.n Unn.w 11 rignt party, -joi s.
nerentln ing atock of 2nd hand store. Clean riVt vatue, my 7-roont modern home, furnished or unfurnished. Terms. 72R S. Mrs.
Washbttrne, 021 -A Flnwrr. I re(j Communications confidential POTATO A cheese chip wholesale, rc-j leaning. Ni' stuff. Specials. Twin walnut bedroom War imn.
Iniilo At'l. mgr. nr Mi-si. hi 1 1, or bus training. HOX W-ln4.
TIMES orange jir, OKetrou 1004. Lowest rate. A. H. Gallns Open ere tan.
Mod. eoiurt. Must sac. 'it cost. Owner.
422 E. Proadwav. Glendale. MA. .1105.
Apt. 1101 dlst. Small wage. Retail work about $15 weekly. ReallMEN lor Diesel Engineers.
Sea ad Clasai CLEAN windows, woodwork by hr, or joh. set, u.Hxlft Axminster rur. C. F. CALHOUN A CO.
VE. OSS1 ''Restyirw 13515 or OX(ord 632.1 Al Tit ACTIVE English home on wSrA- re. CLM: APT.HOUSE mgr. Expert renter. Hu.ham.
77. handy man. Local exp. Ret. OL.
24x.v CI en. A.I Silk. 315 W. nth Room 1 ncanon o.t. MONEY SAME DAY Confidential 4 family beiti-ooms and maid's room.
POOL room, old estali. 7 tables, lor sale. Inn ui re owner. S. MAIN.
FURNITURE AUCTION. REGULAR Fl ftlllK LADIES (fi.l Sales dept, Oregon A Wash MEN. solicit shoe repairs, niake $2-53 day IF you want money at once on nianns. t-rtiv-o jor uiiii-H at $1.1.500. INTERCITY LAND CO.
WH. 1120. Guar. At com. 501 W.
ADAMS. 10 a. in. Tups. Dodd's Auction Service 62t)ri28 N.
Western ave. GL. 0707 Fare paid. 405 S. Hill.
Room RESTAURANT location tor lease. Excep-tional opportunity. 'Exp. operator can maieriais inci. Expert renmshtng.l "I'n IJ -Ui.
bleach or sand. Free estimate, lo vrs. with ehoupe. best of rets. bleach or sand.
Free estimate, lo yrs.l musical instruments, rndios. 'anything 2o41 HILLCREST DR. newly rieco-l PETITION solicitors wanted, registered vot F. O'CONNOR. Alio loneer.
Eva Hamilton IMh. Santa Moni 01 i. line, can rerrace S074. Pasadena maun real money. WHitney references.
1). W. Hi; ST. Ill, 2700.1 ratco. mi-ft.
tlouiile frontage lot. tol era, restricted territory. i'ay daily I WATCH for Biinouncenieiu of sale Bill LADIES, make flower, exp. unnecessary. good money.
322 S. Hroadwav. ri LADY to assist manager. Call belore 11 10 l. 1 .,..1,.
,1 1 1 Kt it 1 vtiist. vtnei'arii ave. Mortgagee, sacrifice. Koom 42H. -154 S.
Sl'KINU. ri.wnj iciuiiMieu. new iiibiuneu. i-u wcim 1 1 nr tt-ut'l Green. 1 HAVE private money to loan on furniture Low ratea No Indorsers Call 282 S.
VERMONT. ASIDE trom the Business Opportunities offered 111 this classification, there are many rood business locations ad flrice Heterenecs lvp hm flfCrtl.t irti im 0. 1. augnn. tin, mi.
a.m.. 125 S. VERMONT. iis. nun, rr.derai 3:1.13 SALESMAN 4.
(i-rooni hom*os. These are I foreclosures and wo otfer a soeeial dia vertised for rent under "Business I LO RATE FURN. LOANS ARRANGED FLOtiRS relimshed. complete service. Guar.
CHILD'S nurse, refined family. Reliable Get estimate save. Refs. OX. IKltiS.
Refs. Anywhere. Box UX13 DOMESTIC rugs cleaned sized. SU.60 CLE AN ING oil sew 0' "U' Guar VE.0U57.General Rug Cleaning Co Quick. All nr '3 (lay.
Refs. 4.I4Q. We want an experienced route man tn seil Caswell Coffee on an established count lor ail cash. Real Estate I NURSE FOR BARY. BETWEEN AGES 30 AND 45.
ABSOLUTELY USELESS TO APPLY UNLESS BORN AND TRAINED IN ENGLAND. PLEASE AA-maii. uii-iiii-aiion in. x.i 1, Aisoi never rinance. 1070 w.
vine. HE. 1104 A0TOMOB1LKS AT ADCTI0N are adver riAiui. nun r.iinipnient are LOANS THAT un'v Koom 1.17 mil. l.lll advertised in Classiflratinn Nn.
234 Tom Mi-elr. ntirA .1 ttv 1.1 route. Salary and commission. COCHRAN BROS. 1601 GRIFFITH AVE.
cnn.Ff.l,'. i i-l wms tilacft as mother $3000 CASH. 2 bungalows. 4 it 0 tised under Classification No. 2H fol lowing the Automobile Classification ilxlS RUGS CLEANED SIZED.
SI. 50 A on your itirniture business, handling a nationally known helper, board, rni. mo. 111 scnooi STATE AGE. TRAINING AND EX PERIENCE.
WAGE $100 A MONTH. BOX V-224. TIMES. Cl-KKKA 141 CLKA.NEKS, TW.4ICS oik. car, scnonl At vnurrh.
348 west-minster ave. No offers, no trades. to iKinitv line, is tlesll'Oll. rtt eYnarulinc nn.t aMKS. UKCSH WILL CALL.
AD. 65S2. I n.a. e.li-.V,ltt SALESMEN AND SALESLADIES I RUST CO. oilers homes St income prop- PETITION solicitors wanted, registered vot House-to-house.
Hustlers make good 75 iye Part-time services lor room, board DIAMONDS AND JEWELRY IVttl eiiiraciivciy priceu. INSTRUCTION 55 ers, restricted territory, pay daily. CITUATIONS WANTED Bv Men money. Household necessity. Leads lur nanett.
spring. MT. 0111 needs additional capital. An onnortu-mty for a practical business man or executive. Will show adeouate earning, pit the investment.
Call Sterling 6100. Pasadena, or Box B-3117. Times. KOOm nished. Projected territory.
Finance l-ia u-nu 1 as cnok' MORTGAGE CO. OFFERS single A doUDle ACCOUNTANCY, home study. LOW TUI ACCOUNTANT, young executive sell up to $10. Seo Mr. Wood, L1RERAL LOANS WE LOAN THE WE CHARGE THE LEAST (NSTAt.rMFKT Will READY'-to-wear saleswoman by popular-priced Wllshire tlress shop.
Must have Hntoi- nnWNSTAIRS WORK IN OR Ol fl'tn.) STANfOKU AVE. loreciosca nomes. Nearly new. Price fr less. terms.
YO. 3000 OF CITY. 1ST CLASS. REFS.CE.25nH MERCHANDISING rORPOHATION' nous, energetic, seasoned and broad experience, public and private roroo- HOW EAST TEKM8. free POORICI LA SALLE EXTENSION UN1VER 1TY.
727 7th st. TRInity 0H2t IrnrnuFIi conk- serve laundrv or gen. 101 owing, write uetaus. tsox "-WikiiKvi-v 1 1 vr 1. Tlmp.
Corre.nondenee ennfldential 5ALts.Hl. til experienced selling orda. 1 lmp" 1 orresponoente connnentiai. 1 fo. i.he.l rip.ler lull n.
estab. 20 years, will have position KL. 'MILLION DOLLARS TO LOAN 5dU0 MOST otit*ianuiiig ou.v Hanco*ck Pa a r- I vc.jra nn ,1 rlninp nr atav CK iii'ii, uuvirv iruiiircu inr ior several responsible men 4 women, salary A advancement, inventmeni re RECEPTIONIST, young, nurse pfd Stay oneration At nthe Ailvmit.re. tn hlwl. AVIATION mechanics trained.
Jobs wait ipg. Varrn School. flrensliew n'tV -5 WVldfZJWSlSY Mansfield 1 blk. N. Wllshire.
3 I bedrms. Slits Wllshire Blvd. WH.Siin.'i able o( practical management of of- COLORED woman, cooking and general nights. Steady. ntlPl SUNSET BLVD.
I lers able to finance themselves. See quired, secured. No agents. Fred Hil-I COLLEGE The AMERICAN PLEDGES IIFI movtW1 -W S-HOOM SPANISH. sir.
Bowers, iziu Pico. nee, (iiscnarging volume Ol worn, oro-l liousework. Reipi-encc. en, it P.r,,a,ii.1?.airoa,; COLORED girl. Day or Vs.
Apt. or house. SALES LADIES for educational work. son 10.. Inc.
Suite 71H. Ill W. 7 St. I Clever Plan. Patio, den.
$7050 61(1 s. Main oners wonderlui NO LOAN TOO LARGE must know how to deal with chil SALESMAN. Fine proposition lor good man with some mechanical experience FAMOUS physician starting nat'l campaign I 7.i7;.:i,. X.V I Hnme nights, uct. Anatna son.
opportunity to learn oaroer trade. nw iranneid. near Pico Doheny dren. Excellent earnings. Apply 2-4 only.
10025 Culver Culver Cilv What have von' Response treated iti I COLORED, gen. hsw-k. or personal maid 3 REAUTIFUL new homes. 0401 At 04061 at acquaintance witn automotive a I DIESEL bower is here. Learn Diesel En strictest confidence.
Box Timr-s All or V. dav. Fond children, AD.oti tct. jst. nadto ad.
our formula. Fully I flnanced. Interested in executive abil- ity. Give $3000 permanent work-l nti LOAN 'mo SMALL PROVIDENT LOAN ASSOCIATION S40 S. HROADWAY NEW ORPHEUM ENTIRE THIRD FLOOR ca t-yi a I iiert uwner trane.
isai 71. rturr. l. giueering now. Visit our school.
et 1 ACCOUNTANT, executive, broad COLORED maid. 1st class cook. care fan Vicente At 1UN0 Stearns Dr. Sub stantial Homes. Ltd UNiversity flSS2.
HANco*ck PARK. 145 N. Iltr.HIAMi free booklet. Hemphill Diesel Schools. ciail.v, tiinck money daily As fare, also I "'sn-cinss.
wen tirrsseu niitat inr agreement. Box Times. aiituta. costs, creuits. systems, nuance.
1 zr-ti san rernanno Koad. A use witn cars, titi.t Iielta itldg. I aic tr, euHimu comnitssion, iu 111 4 years public accounting. Capable maid. gen.
housework. No ob- 10 ROOMS. LIKE NEW. BARGAIN! I HIGH SCHOOL complete course, 2 years WOMAN, 40 or 60. Saleswouiau aa house Aruni-iii, sates manager.
BEFORE 10 A.M. 1242 FLOWER OVEK 60 YEARS renaoie. Age ills, iviarried. isox icction to cnuurcn. iter, in.
soot r-Aji itmu, OPCJi. OK. 450P. snare me. Jtee*ts an reauirementa BEER DISTRIBUTOR Terrilory open in conjunction with the Electro-Draft Beer Dispenser.
$4000 investment SECURED. Seo Times. into nr 11.11 -At iaAit.oJir,ix iiiteifsica in nantu tig unoio- 108 W. flTH SUITE HOIS. TU.47K3 COLORED COOK.
FIRST CLASS. FOND $0750 HANco*ck PK 3 2 baths. A FINANCIAL INSTITUTION Diamonds and jewelry loans, lowest rates. 13 months to repay Bank references. Ladies' Department.
C.P.A., 12 vrs. exp CHILDREN. BEST REF. ADams HOSTESS TRAINING. APT-HOUSE MAN It' the kind of worn you are seeking is unit neat.
John Burroughs. 3rd st. I L. A. High.
830 Orange Dr.W-H.5003 1 Mr. Shipley, Km. 30S. 315 W. 0 st.
10 every salesman. ROOM UOtf lulit Available, position with corp. PL COI.fiUF.l) girl, experienced. A-l worker agement. Speedwriting.
Gregg Typing WILSHIRE COLLEGE. FEderal 5(111 SIAXE BLDG HAVE a good opportunity (or a reliable noi aavenisca in mi. column, try a Situation Wanted ad. The Timea BAKER, all-around all or part time. jiav or week.
ATlantic B7S.t 305 YVanfer Bld 41 7. cor. Hm VffiOT.r A anywhere. SS.ll Orchard ave. RADIO INSTITUTE OF CALIFORNIA rtu t-r.
rl niKnr IllVC 'i'. 7 man to enter iigbt manufacturing hus-iness. $500 fully secured. Can make yourself $10 d-tv. Will teach hit'incss.
lsiq w. (1th St. 1117 VENICE BDVD. DRexel t753 3 3 baths, den, OR, 0522 uui An.ni i rel. A-l cook cleaner.
Alt. v.t Bonded wine. Venetian Wine Co. Madio. to evision.
sound broadcast en tary. type. A-l OR. 0772. S5S50.
1057 Rldgeiev Ilr F.xolnai The Times Building. 1st and Broadway, has three srieciallv traineil nit- DIAMOND AND JEWELRY LOANS CLICKM AN'S. HL-r, luon 15TS W. 30 st Room 201. gineering.
radio physics, code youug. on, sales tax ref. CE. 211053 mirn. li-rm nunnralow.
nnill MAN wilh truck or semi, interstate Writers to assist in the writing of I SALESMEN wanted (2.1 0110 experience SUITE 210 707 S. BROADWAY i RADIO SCHOOL OF L.A. Ectab. 1IKJSI returns Reliable WYoming 70H1. COLORED girl reliable, hotel well-worded Situation Wanted ads.
I Piano man and one for refrigerators A lino Steadv work for trui-k flrawinr I in- a iti 1 hfat. wuhjrrt trmw. i "cnnL $7TrA IItT sC 2 01.6 SOUTH PLYMOUTH BLVD. 715 a. Hope, neiniis in phone noon CARPENTER, experienced, day or contract The Times liublishes twice aamanvl -Maying.
Jiie nartlett Ventura, cnl or sin coo t. days. it. smntv IsECRETARIAL training, days. $17.50 10 rooms.
3 bath. lot 105x10 A.V.W.U I'rice reasonable. Licensed. LA. "Situationa Wanted'1 ads as all other! SA I.F.S rvrriTivr.
PAR I NEK wanted, with $500, In assist I Nights So Greer Institute. MIS W. 5 Howard A- Howard. FEderal 31 Set CARPENTER. A-l.
liinisher; 'm' Los Angeles newspapers COMBINED physically or fliranciallv. See MR SALARY IOANS 127 I'AYLOH 'J 'raining School, for uiiurtinent-- in national nits. A- sales. Fine local I rc-ord. FItxrny 2171.
before 5 p.m.! emodel. New old work. KI. rAKKr.H ttl tl I. VI hnnse ninnatrement.
2711 VV. Hilt $10 f.OA xs za MUST HE SOLD Wilshire-Fairfix. Sacrifice $6250 ll2iui W. 5TH ST. I Onen.
I CARPENTER, handy man. exp. 10 vrs okl COLO.KED girl, good cook. gen. Housework initir.stll, US SA1.VSM4V.
ATHER AND SON. see ad Class Ho NA. IS-ftAY. NATIONAL SCHOOL OF X-RAY Obtained for people steadily employed! For rni A honrfl. tlov w-7i mes I i'-m.
Times. Sun, il-lo. Pox W-H4. WILSHIRE-FAIRFAX-OLYMPIC (list GENERAL housekeeper, while, good cook. 1'nyaiotnerany utooratory.
Fall CHAUFFEUR, butler, either one. or anv COMPANION, cultured English lady. Good vmcK. coniiiiennai li iAi i r. possesscii.
Hanco*ck Park near No Seenrltv I 1 Ford Realty, will Olympic Hlvd, age Vj.A mo. Call between frOK you have a chance tn make I asses. 444 S. Western. EX 47 Kinu oi worn, ncai appearance, trust-1 tliivcr.
Expetienccii, adaiitaoie. Excel aim. A 12 noon. HEninstead 110(15. SALESMEN.
Opening for WIDE AWAKE per mo. nnx w-lftlt. Times. COLONIAL LOAN RROKERS I rm. horn" for S0S5O.
HE. (I2C2. IX HAY Phvsio-Lali. night class, earn while 1 it t-iiii 1 -is .1 T777.I eootl CLOSEKS. in onn of country you learn.
7tn Fersning square mtig II .1 -o- BLDG ,104 S. DOHENY. RMS. ONLY smutty, si local rci. jinvo im rel.
Own car. Kestview llw housekeeper, refined, excel s-irmie norses. nernert. r.A. -tsti.
ntdligent serv- reterences r.uerai ti.1.10. 1 r- BUSINESS Opportunities 112 VA.n. I I LEARN Radio. Television. Broadcasting.
corner nn. 3 balhs. den. unit heat tnAVS Aim, I Near schools. Open 1 to 5 HE.31'5.
aALtSjit.i tor 'lelevisiott Educational in GIRL, reliable, gen. hoiiswork. fond of CHAUFFEUR, cook, A-l. Fllinlno. ice.
Best references. FI 2101. Rm. 4QS stilule. 313 Western Pacific Bldg.
cniuirn. net. S-d mo. cucstview 71 tut. Code, sound.
Practical Theoretical trsining. $150,000 equipment. 2H in L.A Dav eves. National Radio exn. local ret.
HE. rjo.l ICoMPANHiN lioiisekeciier. governess, will for employed People "without security SACRIFICE. $1300, like new.l or co-signers. Quick A- contidential.
J.1" J- me. flrenlttce. 723. N.I SALESMEN, boiler coniDound. rust solvent TO SECURE CAPITAL CON.SIIIT lis GIRL, white, gen.
help, 3 children travel anywhere nest refs. ob.P.i-i HAUFFEUR-Cook. colored. all-around Give nee, ph. Box W-80.
Times. Scnnols. 40OH yirneroa. AX puii rm. ft tioard A SKi mo.
HI. H35I ft.tn s. Hill Rm. 355 MU Jiansneiu. agents.
Projects promoted, campaigns eon-l ducted. National Corporation houseman. Will do anything-. AX. 30S4 COMPANION to ladv Young.
Free to trav GIKL. wh.i. "11 '15 Mi.t,M.i... so on t-oaa at. once ior 01a BEAUTIFUL Wilhlre hnme.
LOANS 1 HOUR SERVICE" I PAY $1 weekly for secretarial course el. Ref. GL. tljlHO. Hox W-ny.
Jtmes 7 e.tan. nrm. s. r.o. Anreir.
vt, tiTH ST Tucker KA4.I. CWAITFFFIIR. stenn nprtniiahlr A.I laundry. 4 adults. $15 mo.
FI. 5037. ooo. Far b'-low value. No agents.
Balance when earning. CALIFORNIA housekeeper. competent driver. Small nay. Box Times lCOMPAMON.
SALESaVIAN SEE OUR AD SUNDAY tint Banners Hldg. (1211 SOUTH Hil.L CASH PAID fnr your etore of general! COl.I.EfJE. 711 W. Hfh at. Fl.
Appointment, t.inespie. wititney sstHi GIKL. cook Si gen. work for 1 mo. drives, excellent ref.
OXford HOI 4 pKOAVN AND BIGELOW CHAUFIEUR, BUTLER, colored. In yrs ICARTHAY (ENTER. 10-rm mod donhle PLAY SECRETARY." Part-time work Dro Atr.iu iiAHUiS-E of EVEItV DESCRIPTION. PHONE Ml. flOfl.x exp.
private family. Local ref. OX. '1026 1 COOKING HOUSEWORK H.ii:svkFFPFii hXENOGRAPHER, fast typist, ama 1 3ft Rents mo. SflOIMI.
103. down. Well video. Legal bus. secretarial courses ttv a.
tt i JEAL ESTATE LOANS salary start, with future. Replying 'Jv linani-ed I'omrtioilori, rtr $600(1 OR more available for good deal. aHu Its. 1 child. S25 mo.
123'' Mnchav ol lege, ft I s. Figueron ou tier, nouscman. wiefj tit twit. PB nana young state age. approximate, tvning speed.
Herman, excellent local ret. FH. Mi.l BRONSON. car. R.Oclieler Stilt- wnsi nave your 74'J S.
41 experience, and list employments. Bor WANTED, small creamery plant. See COP-I CHAUFFEUR-' white. 2 children. S5 wit nn.
A-l .1 cams. 63 Highland. ook Kntior COOK. 45, ranch, dairy or (or gang o( mein 2'4'lHn: BX limes win accept tl nova. lo-iBat.
$2(1 mo. No other expenses Box W-M5. Times UKPEPn 1 neat app' board. Dumas. Snnrli'i Court.
o. 74H1 s. Western Ave. TW, 4357 1 SCrEKVlSOR, housc-lo-house crew, exp. W'ILl buy or ivnt lea room or bouse suit- CHEMIST, umv.
graduate. 2d. capable ILEARN PUBLICITY WRITING. POSITIONS HOUSEKEEPER, care of 2 children: board COOK. 2 vrs.
place. Neat hoiinkeepi-r naniinng men. 314 17TH ST. 5200(1 TO $15,000 LOANS ON HOMES CONSTRUCTION OR REFINANCE Lulimited funds, liberal appraisal. Low costs and otiick action SYNDICATE MORTGAGE CO 404 Associated Really Hldg VA.
2.104. 336 ALTA VISTA RLVD. rooms, 4 largo bedrooms. Must sell. Inspect.
Make offer. OPEN. 1541 N. WESTERN. GR.
f17 analyst, quick to learn, tlesires post anie. owner call KXnositioit till'JM. tt rm. wk. A t.
rietween Frtst worker. Ref. colored, as "007 lion. Glenilale. Douglas 2S01-J.
SPOT CASH FOR TOUR STOCK OR HOUSEKEEPER, white, good small GOOD position. Dillon. 22 vrs. reporter, Ii' the kind of work you are seeking is not advertised in this column, try a Situation Wanted ad. The Times cmvrsK A.t -not, driver p.iiu.
COOK. A-l. Hungarian. Also downstairs LAFAYETTE S0UARE, $7500. snorthnml fear-tier.
Wi cnx ttlrt I'HONR Michigan H74. lanniv. exn. nets. n.
kii er. i nn. iMni tk 'iaji-i Beautiful S-rm. Spanish Stucco. 4 bed-l Pie.
Hart time, its im RPr. ex. '27-4 0 I n. Learn drafting, mathomatics, mrvey. 1RST class gro'-er wishes location with HOUSEWORK, reliable, like children.
Small Pnng r.r. A-l A n.H llfic II rl a It '1 oains. iw Virginia Koad. WILL finance St build on your clear lot. I EMPLOYMENT SERVICE DEPARTMENT, located on the main floor ef 1 1 I fncinfvrrnc Rnttpr 4'2 Snnnr fixture.
4103 W. 5 St. EX. 8125 salary. Koom eg DoarO.
OL. 4300. i.ui.jj-. niuucu, wauls liwuw: in.T wui.nl vrs WlilOW TCI OA COST SS.itlil. now See I 1 3S I III VI A flit-U' lHOll MAID, white, 25-35.
gen. housework, no SALES executive, thorough exn. What in ininuy. xiox T-n. vei oiiit- OOIV.
SO CALIF. REALTY CO. Tbe limes Building. 1st and Broad-way, has three specially trained ad- Oakburst. Courte.y brokers.
WYOOtol COOK. A-l. maid. laundry, or day nave yon? p.p. Bot 1470.
Hollywood laundry. Ac good home. YO. l-'OS "ti o. ia isrea college student, clean-cut, hard worker.i worn, it hauneur-rnitier.
1 UK. tv Hitney unn. $5500 Reamiful 7-rm. 2 baths, al.soluteitl writers to assist in the writing of Jledondo. Reas.
rates.D-A.exch.w 1 MUSIC AND DRAMATIC 68 MOTHER'S helper white. 20 to 40 jrs. win 00 any kino or Dart-time A.t nnt -well-worded Situation Wanted ada LOANS FOR BUILDING or ftrtft s.vTvr mot, hey Fairfax OR 5H03 Tin mn. 1 ciiiiii. UAiorn 44V1 ui.uuai uiiYiits, luionn.
etuis i afraid ol worn, Best rets Ml. 'juiis INVESTMENTS Securities 113 Bonds. Stocks OWNEH-OCCUFIED HOMES. (NEAR Kossmore At Beverly. 7 rms.
until The Times publishes twice as many "Situations Wanted" ads as all other (CONCERT pianist starting c'ass Lisit foun typing, 111 scnooi only aaya j.flll oi Air; A LOAM nest. 522 N. LUCERNE GL. SI SB week. fS week.
'TBInitv S401. nation, 7 yrs anroao. Hitney ttridi smali apt 620 S. BU NSIDE aged woman. TR.
2244. Rni. 105-A Los Angeles newspapers COM Rl NED 415 FIFTH ST. I ALL hrnk'rs concede 112 N. La Jolla the! WOMAN, 20 to 40.
desirous of good home 'iia rA-V5 COOK or housework, reliable col, woman CASH IMMEDIATELY For unlisted stocks, bonds, bldg. loan certificate and passbooks. nesi v-room ever offered. VACATION IS OVER EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES 59 Ph. AD.
042(1 S40 Tft. rill TRinliT suftt I position. Ret JHEATRICAL in small lamily. return board, SHI mo. to start.
OXford 54(10. Ready for some good email loans. completed, cor. bungalow, fine ar- FENTON A- ti.iO S. SPRING WHOLESALE TIRE Stock Distribu COLORED 1-oun man.
exn. 111 MOL-hmise COOK first-class, capable A efficient. Bev O. T. VAUGHAN OR.
1411. I fiti 301 Lindenhurst. OX. 7553. ACCEPT $300(1 Pomona Mutual Pats WO.MAN, 20 to 36, (or gen.
housework. wort. A-i reterenres. Ati.tms tutoit 1 lti I NATIONAL Radio Productions, training di LOANS (or building or oil clear iinprovedlcHEVIOi' HILLS, 4 3 batii l()4so tion Man. 28-35 Country Bank Cashier, tip salary SI 5 board rm.wy.5iH3 vision oners tree auditions to al COLORED house bov.
A-l southern cook. COOR fir general. lAJcal rets. Frefer Home proycrty in west pari of cily int. I iroon.
nar Kancno umn $70011 hooks $2800 Pae. States for property near Coliseum, clear. 41! WhilliT Mnntebello. Cal WOMAN, yjuiig, experienced, small family. Keiau creau 30-30 start iou types radio talent.
Special junior va et. entn over e-nlnr mi 1 uia-ui. rr.u,-i,ii nniy pavaoie tor yra. OKcgon S30 S. RiDr.ELEY H5(J cash Hal.
fli' Dept. Mgr. China. Glass. Art ti montn to start, ttt-rnnstead 7.
nmston. can AAnure itiioi BUILDING LOANS. 6 St 7'i ON HOMFSl Price SrtSQQ, 7 3 bsthsj COLORED man. Exn. A-l mechanic, norter COOK.
45. A-X work. Small homelike place. work or janitor. Ref.
CE. 212W). Adults. S1.1 mo. Exp.
ft refs. WANTED Real estate mortgages ir realj WOMAN, white, hotwwork, laundry, small I DIRECTOR for motion-picture studios inter. Gift. House Wares, in north. Oil exp.
23-28. start $110 Hotel Night N.C.R estate oonus. 11 attractively priced. family, hoard. $10 mo.
CR.575,1. 4-11 475o. SNAPPY 10-room stuco doubre 433 S. Spring, Rm 822. MA.
2504. 411 Carmona. PICO-HAUSER DfST I COUPLE, cook A butler-chauffeur, exp COOK A butler. A-l. Swedish, are 35: views; adults, children training division.
1751 LEND ALE A o.t. noun Bing. Mutual YOUNG woman, single, conriderltial. com fermsnent Ref. Ph.
AX. excellent city rel. FK. 4S45. Ant.
13, WE buy A sell hldg-. loan certificates. panion evenings. Hox W20. Times.
ISPANISH types presented to FILM studios "yd Fal" MAI t. Pi'VKtT a. nel low. airtex. WH.
Mil. COOK, plain. chauOcur. housework, garden.) GENERAL ollice. trnsl.
voting ladv. Exp Attriitor. Co. -exp. 33-40 Control Accountant.
A-l Mix. t-irt. 417 S. HH. Rni.
712 VI. 77m at once. Box a-251. Times. nanny man, private tamiiy.
yontm.i 11111 or pan lime, mall salary. Local bedrm. stucco. Pico-La Cienegal CASH for So. Calif.
Bldg Loan certifi- pu iv A-r i- rrr 'tt, $2S5o $2SSO 3 (0(11 EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES refs. MU. 104f. Call 8 to 5 P.I exp. 30-35 start $100 CREDIT office mgr.
with accounting yu niii.i 0,11 cub auti Full details. Box B-307. dit. Key 146s La Clenega. WY.
Ofllf'l I VOICE specialist, test voices free, by ap-polntment. 320 S. Norton. PHOTOS. 8x10 professional.
5.1 50 dor. 10 -oninwest. Knee. I "553 MRS. Patten's Employment Ary.
Domestic GENERAL hswk. A. conking. SO wit (are experience, desires position, WH S452 WE buy ft sell 10334 ILONA. near Fog Studio.
Brand! service (or 30 yrs. 321 W. 3. 1.34 11 7 'a. PRIVATE.
$5o0 up Fres appiaisal. wagon salesman. Wholesale Food Producta. 2S-35 ORGANIZATION BUILDERS. (AGY.l OltU il 1 ri 1 FLUPINO cook, driver, housework.
Honest I hrsdav. no Sun. Exn. Ref. CR 1..
fi- re a t. new L.A. nh 3 tiedrooms. osrnef.ue proorg, pyiti Hnllrwood. Hillside "tint.
Also ntiv .11 A Ngelns S2Hf( MRS FORCH'S Placement Bureau. IAgy.1 willing worker- Go anywhere. Uni-IGEN. housework S5 u-k nre forms. Highest ref.
CRe.tview I frr eldeplv cntlnle. IM I ClT Vieneral mains. OX. Ill I j. -i- i O0TEL APARTMENT 114 1' 1 and Income Lease.
it ox THCctiiiM in- i I re-OFF new K-rm. Spanish. $k'5rt. I ONS-ITIUCTION loans. 3 via.
7'. A. W. SALES manager, experienced in home 61 JMEGAL NOTICES iA.u-i.Mj eoiiK. driver, hnuiie.roy, weiii cxp no nswk.
or managn in ant GKNRAL cooks St rouples. Cu-rmti, a construction. A-l only A CI I A I or educated' A-l refs. MA. Rm.
51 hoardlne-hous for apt. MI. HQS .3,1 proauwav. Order filler, 10-22. drugs IO hotel, well, furnished' near PE.I ri-ner i n.tn'i wusnire OK.
I3Q4 AA-L pormons always open for tvell-rtllllt Homes." 321 MeCADDEN. Hanco*ck Park. 10-rm excellent tiok. desi-es position IL1PINO. copk.
driver, bouserwiy. garden- omptometer operator, younr small fnmtlv. Bcf. RE. 5S5.
young w. 4 (. MTTfisi tnisiress service ln.tt S.Broadway station, le-a. s.ir rince. oil "si I i "lis 10:111.
jiii.tiini to Sjo.ouo BEACON. SAN PEDRO. I 3 'r. tk- r. o- er.
wants inn, wt. Un7. L1PIN0. (ormer nmv. Imr.
driver, house- HSKPR. for elderly rtersttn. r'-fined, i-aoa- COfiK CHAUFFEUR BUTLER Italian, dess than Va cost. OR. 3942 NOP.Tn AND NORTHWEST ACCOUNTS payable age 23-311.
Open 3-ROOM corner aft Elec r-nl IPklVATE MONEY FOR GOOD LOANS. boy, (suitor. MU. 0754 Office. woman, gooo cook, an-: sum.
I A 320 3 ST U. S. ENGINEER OFFICE. 751 South Kig-uero street. Los Angeles, Calif.
Seilfd bids will be rc-eived nntil 8 p.m.. Seplemher 10. 193.t, and then opened for dredging in Angeles Outer Harbor. Cahr. Further in oi snnlieation.
j.tiucaiionai r.xrtert 5 Id w. 7 et I'rice Main Pll .0774 1 2315 10 AVE D. Purser. PA 4474 FILIPINO, si -ii 00 limy, wants OS1T10NS om-n. cooks, generals.
1 1 FcTr i-ha-K. ir.mr tl trv Kill glhl lLi.l. tOd -ge lilt 1 1 1 0 PER. refined motherless borne. Drive.
Box W-11S. S30.O00 ESTATE to be for SI 2.500 t'OH a-e. unfurn. vKI-rm. corner il SMALL real estate loans Moni ton as f.mitnr Phnnn VArliann 4(IMrt L.
A. PEflSOVNEL 707 Hill ior ant. room. fit. mwi.
fliliomrit. Ho vwoort lit. 17 toreeiositrea. ft 3 "4 hnin 2311 Chevy Cht.eDr.. tOKD Colilr.tct cleik tiLlPINO student, job in family.
Ref. 'I CREDIT AN At, ER. S.C.M.A. HSKPR with child. 1 1- yrs.
molh- er'es home. Box Times. AMiN, HOTEL BROKER ML 00201 1'KIVATE MONEY ON IMPROVED. Hollywood Bnsinc. Servjie 1031 S.Brosdw l-acinc Audit 210 Story Uidg.
ii unwan and Snlnr n. E. WEISER. PL. 5540.
FILIPINO. chauffeur, butier. hsws lENt college age. 25 lo 35. liLlLDEK bargains 11 a new.
clever, k--er plin, cradt-s A hih 1447 Irfie-1 r.lepda'e Other' S35no In U20r I NOT reoonihe for debts contracted by J. Wi Ri'-hanl'C't Cafe tfornteri eie Cntc.i ptir, o'ive. hefnre Sept It. P. Fltnnagtn HOUSEKEEPER lor small adult lamily 01 women.
FEderal Roti.VS rent only S45. close in. S350. PRIVATE mooev for const -rvasive loans vk. ri' exn.
A at l.l Rm 51 iur-tz tmnlnrnirnt flilfl Hill 107 a si; Tor nnrr. Adim MR. WRIcnT OR-gon 70il emti ritrivtRATioM THRU! I.H INTRI CTIIIN FILJI'INO cook. vears 1 nlntaj. Refs WONDERFUL bargain.
2 modern hillsidrl KEY" PUNCH OPERATOR $100 H.KPR., nurse, good cook. Elderlv people or gentlemen. KKmihlic 7319. 8-1 5 ROO -IS. long leas-, cheap tent, good I CASH Sz clear properly to make or buy itoom 4.
Michigan 17HS. WILL rot he rrsprmsihle fnr anv debts Consolidated 2 1 5 W. homes. S1250 each, full lot each, SlSf'l 7. Rm.
U31 MEN. prepare ciiv keepers, painters, con- niaai tiwncr. sic. ntl. fl I Mi.
not over SlO.imO. HE can. Eilcndaie car. Xlrmsndv nsuranre, cmurseiea ny ttoee otner man mv luri.xti hatuii ur. honsentsn.
serve. aeif. Michael G. S'Mkewiti-h nt nnitorm, A-l ref. Ml.
Sol 7. Cakor HOUSEWORK OR CCKIK1NG COLORED. '4 dar. Ref. CFntnrT 21210.
Iji( Ins L. A. PFRSONNEI 14 siuft. must to. Best offer.
Cash. I FP.IV ATE 6 At 7 rintt men. $150 mo. Sutter, 420 S. Coring, L.A.
Jtonils.j I.O,:kh I S.I Alio CAII total nr VCaOO. rm el 707 S. Hill tr-i See es ni-r. 271 S. Honrrr, At Son.
354 'prinr. VAndike I bar- dht gar A level lr. OUnl 'I.