Searching for Elements with Different XPath Levels using Robot Framework (2024)

Abstract: Learn how to search for elements with different XPath levels using Robot Framework and Selenium. This article provides a solution to extract text from elements located at different XPath levels.

2024-08-14 by On Exception

Searching Elements at Different XPath Levels using Robot Framework

Robot Framework is a popular test automation framework that provides a powerful way to locate and interact with elements on a web page using XPath expressions. In this article, we will explore how to search for elements at different XPath levels using Robot Framework, with a focus on searching for a specific property. We will also cover some common challenges and solutions for searching elements at different levels.

XPath Basics

XPath is a language used to navigate and select elements in an XML document, such as an HTML page. XPath expressions can be used to locate elements based on their attributes, position, and relationship to other elements. For example, the following XPath expression selects all div elements with a class attribute of "my-class":


Searching Elements at Different Levels

In some cases, you may need to search for elements at different levels of the HTML document. For example, you may need to search for a div element with a specific data-id attribute that is nested inside another div element with a specific class attribute. In this case, you can use the following XPath expression:


The double forward slash (//) in the expression indicates that you want to search for the second div element at any level below the first div element. This allows you to search for elements at different levels of the HTML document.

Searching for a Specific Property

When searching for elements with a specific property, you can use the following XPath expression:


For example, to search for a div element with a data-id attribute of "my-id", you can use the following XPath expression:


Challenges and Solutions

When searching for elements at different XPath levels, you may encounter some challenges. One common challenge is that the element you are searching for may not be present in the HTML document. In this case, you can use the Wait Until Page Contains keyword to wait for the element to appear before continuing with the test. For example:

Wait Until Page Contains //div[@data-id='my-id']

Another challenge is that the element you are searching for may have multiple matches. In this case, you can use the Get WebElements keyword to retrieve all matching elements, and then iterate over the list to interact with each element. For example:

${elements} = Get WebElements //div[@data-id='my-id']FOR ${element} IN ${elements}Log ${element.text}END

Robot Framework provides a powerful way to search for elements at different XPath levels, including searching for a specific property. By using the right XPath expressions and handling common challenges, you can easily search for elements in your web application and interact with them in your tests.

  • XPath is a language used to navigate and select elements in an XML document
  • Robot Framework provides a powerful way to search for elements using XPath expressions
  • To search for elements at different levels, use the double forward slash (//) in the XPath expression
  • To search for a specific property, use the //element[@property='value'] XPath expression
  • Common challenges include waiting for the element to appear and handling multiple matches


Discover the best practices for searching elements with different XPath levels in your Robot Framework tests. Read on to improve your test automation skills.

Searching for Elements with Different XPath Levels using Robot Framework (2024)


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Robot Framework decreases the requirement of programming language knowledge. It is also an easy-to-use framework. If you are aware of the basics of Selenium, the basics of testing, and minimal knowledge of command line tools then you can start using the Robot Framework.

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Selenium WebDriver is one of the most widely used tools for performing automation testing on web applications. To accommodate the capabilities of Selenium, the Robot Framework internally incorporates Selenium WebDriver functionality.

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Variable Files​

For Yaml files, the package pyyaml is required. . py files will be interpreted as Python Code, so you can create simple variables, lists or dictionaries and even complex objects like classes. Even dynamic variables using are possible by executing any Python code inside the variable file.

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Cons of Robot Framework

Below are some of the major limitations of the robot framework: It has a dependency on Python, it is primarily developed in Python. If you want to extend this framework beyond the existing functionality then you need Python knowledge.

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Both Robot and Cucumber Frameworks are widely used in the QA industry. However, Cucumber has a major market share due to its greater benefits and programming language support. Robot Framework stands after the Cucumber.

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The robot framework is an acceptance testing test automation framework. It is a free and open-source framework. It writes test scripts using a keyword-driven, behavior-driven, and data-driven methodology. Robot Framework features simple syntax and uses human-readable keywords.

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Condition: Implicit wait waits for an element to appear on the page, while explicit wait waits for a specific condition, such as the presence of an element or the element to be clickable. Scope: Implicit wait applies globally, while explicit wait applies locally to a specific element.

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The presented --test , --suite , --include and --exclude options also support using partial names and filter patterns to match multiple names and tags: # execute test cases containing name "Example" in any file. robot --test *Example* . # execute test cases "Example One" and "Example Two" in any file.

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Scalar – In this type, the variable name is replaced with its value as-is. Syntax: ${variable name} value. List – This type contains a number of values, and can be referred by mentioning the variable name and the index number of the value that we want to pass. Syntax: @{variable name} value1 value2 ……

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