Python XML Get Element by Tag Name - SADA Tech (2024)


Python XML Get Element by Tag Name - SADA Tech (1)

Welcome to the comprehensive guide on how to work with XML in Python, specifically focusing on retrieving elements by their tag name. XML (eXtensible Markup Language) is a versatile and widely-used format for representing structured data, and Python, with its rich set of libraries, provides robust tools for parsing and manipulating XML documents. In this article, we will delve into the methods and best practices for extracting elements from an XML document using Python, ensuring that you have the knowledge to handle XML data efficiently in your projects.

Understanding XML and Its Structure

Before we dive into the specifics of Python’s XML handling, it’s essential to understand the structure of an XML document. XML is a markup language that defines a set of rules for encoding documents in a format that is both human-readable and machine-readable. An XML document consists of elements, attributes, text, and possibly other types of nodes such as comments and processing instructions.

Elements and Tags

Elements are the primary building blocks of an XML document. They are defined by a start tag, an end tag, and the content in between. For example:

<book> <title>Python XML Programming</title> <author>Jane Doe</author></book>


Attributes provide additional information about elements and are contained within the start tag. An attribute consists of a name-value pair:

<book isbn="1234567890"> ...</book>

Python and XML Parsing

Python offers several libraries for working with XML, such as xml.etree.ElementTree and lxml. These libraries allow you to parse XML documents and navigate their structure programmatically.


The xml.etree.ElementTree module is a simple and efficient API for parsing and creating XML data. It is part of Python’s standard library, which means it does not require any additional installation.


The lxml library is a more feature-rich and powerful tool for XML processing. It provides support for XPath, XSLT, and schema validation. While not part of the standard library, it can be easily installed using pip.

Retrieving Elements by Tag Name

Now, let’s focus on the task at hand: retrieving elements by their tag name using Python. We’ll explore how to accomplish this using both xml.etree.ElementTree and lxml.

Using xml.etree.ElementTree

Here’s a step-by-step guide to finding elements by tag name with xml.etree.ElementTree:

  1. Import the ElementTree module.
  2. Parse the XML document.
  3. Use the findall() or find() methods to retrieve elements.

Let’s look at an example:

import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET# Parse the XML filetree = ET.parse('books.xml')root = tree.getroot()# Find all book elementsbooks = root.findall('book')# Iterate and print each book's titlefor book in books: title = book.find('title').text print(title)

In this example, findall() retrieves a list of all elements with the tag ‘book’, and find() is used to get the first ‘title’ element within each book.

Using lxml

The process is similar when using lxml, with the added benefit of XPath expressions:

  1. Install and import the lxml library.
  2. Parse the XML document using lxml.etree.
  3. Use XPath expressions with the xpath() method to retrieve elements.

Here’s an example using lxml:

from lxml import etree# Parse the XML filetree = etree.parse('books.xml')root = tree.getroot()# Use XPath to find all book elementsbooks = root.xpath('//book')# Iterate and print each book's titlefor book in books: title = book.xpath('title/text()')[0] print(title)

In this example, the XPath expression ‘//book’ selects all book elements in the document, and ‘title/text()’ retrieves the text content of the title element.

Advanced XML Parsing Techniques

Beyond simple tag retrieval, Python’s XML libraries offer advanced techniques for handling more complex XML structures.


XML namespaces are used to avoid element name conflicts. Both xml.etree.ElementTree and lxml support namespace handling. When working with namespaces, you must include the namespace URI in your tag searches.

Iterative Parsing

For large XML documents, you may want to use iterative parsing to process the document incrementally and reduce memory usage.

Best Practices for XML Parsing in Python

When working with XML in Python, consider the following best practices:

  • Handle exceptions: Always include error handling to manage parsing issues.
  • Use the right library: Choose xml.etree.ElementTree for simplicity or lxml for advanced features.
  • Be mindful of encoding: Ensure that your XML documents are correctly encoded and decoded.
  • Validate XML: If working with a schema, validate your XML documents to ensure they conform to the expected structure.

Case Studies and Statistics

To illustrate the practical applications of Python XML parsing, let’s consider a few case studies:

  • A data integration platform uses Python to transform XML data from various sources into a unified format.
  • An e-commerce company processes product information stored in XML to update their online catalog.

Statistics show that XML is still a prevalent data format, especially in enterprise environments where interoperability and data exchange are crucial.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between find() and findall()?

find() retrieves the first matching element, while findall() returns a list of all matching elements.

Can I modify XML elements after retrieving them?

Yes, both xml.etree.ElementTree and lxml allow you to modify elements after retrieval.

How do I handle XML namespaces in Python?

Include the namespace URI in your tag searches or use the nsmap property in lxml.


For further reading and external resources, consider the following:

By understanding the tools and techniques presented in this article, you’ll be well-equipped to handle XML data in your Python applications. Whether you’re building data pipelines, integrating systems, or processing configuration files, Python’s XML capabilities will enable you to work with this ubiquitous data format effectively.

Python XML Get Element by Tag Name - SADA Tech (2024)


How to read a particular tag in an XML file in Python? ›

To read an XML file using ElementTree, firstly, we import the ElementTree class found inside xml library, under the name ET (common convension). Then passed the filename of the xml file to the ElementTree. parse() method, to enable parsing of our xml file. Then got the root (parent tag) of our xml file using getroot().

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The getElementsByTagName Method

The getElementsByTagName() method returns a node list of all elements, with the specified tag name, in the same order as they appear in the source document.

How to get element from XML in Python? ›

Load our XML document into memory, and construct an XML ElementTree object. We then use the find method, passing in an XPath selector, which allows us to specify what element we're trying to extract. If the element can't be found, None is returned. If the element can be found, then we'll use the .

How to check if a tag is present in XML in Python? ›

When using Python minidom to parse XML it is easy to encounter an "IndexError: list index out of range" if the tag does not exit. An easy fix is to check the size of "doc. getElementsByTagName".

How to read XML tag? ›

Get root node: Document class provides the getDocumentElement() method to get the root node and the element of the XML file. Get all nodes: The getElementByTagName() method retrieves all the specific tag name from the XML file. Where ELEMENT_NODE type refers to a non-text node which has sub-elements.

How to read element from XML? ›

You can generate multiple records from an XML document by specifying a simplified XPath expression as the delimiter element. Use a simplified XPath expression to access data below the first level of elements in the XML document, to access namespaced elements, elements deeper in complex XML documents.

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Syntax. XPath expressions are used to navigate through elements and attributes in an XML document. The root element is referred to with a single slash (/), and child elements are accessed via slash notation as well. This XPath expression would be used to access the title of the first book in the store.

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According to documentation, if element does not exists, then xml. Element(ns + "MiddleName") will be null. Therefore, you can use a condition like 'xml. Element(ns + "MiddleName") == null'.

How to parse values in XML? ›

You can parse XML with Python using query languages like XPath or CSS. Alternatively, you can use native XML tools, such as ElementTree, Minidom and lxml.

How to get the element value in XML? ›

There are two main ways to get the value:
  1. Cast an XElement or an XAttribute to the desired type. The explicit conversion operator then converts the contents of the element or attribute to the specified type and assigns it to your variable.
  2. Use the XElement. Value or XAttribute. Value properties.
Sep 15, 2021

How to extract data from XML files using Python? ›

Parsing XML with lxml

Start by importing the lxml library and parsing your XML file using the parse function. You can also parse an XML string using the fromstring() function. After parsing the XML, use the getroot() method to retrieve the root element. The root tag travelPackages is extracted!

How to read nested XML tags in Python? ›

Mathias Weber
  1. Step 1 - Get the filepath of your XML file."/mnt/xmlfiles")
  2. Step 2 - Parse the XML file. ...
  3. Step 3 - Put all elements of the tree into a list. ...
  4. Step 4 - Get the parent mapping for each element. ...
  5. Step 5 - Create a dataframe with parent-child hierarchy.
Mar 27, 2022

How to get attribute value in XML using Python? ›

XML DOM getAttribute() Method

The getAttribute() method gets an attribute value by name.

How do you check if an XML has an attribute? ›

XML DOM hasAttribute() Method

The hasAttribute() method returns TRUE if the current element node has the attribute specified by name, and FALSE otherwise.

How do you check if an element exists in the XML using XPath? ›

Use the fn:exists XPath function to test whether the value of an input element is present. Note: An XML element that has the xsi:nil attribute set is considered to be present.

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To read a specific line from a text file, you can use the readlines() method to get a list of all the lines in the file, and then access the specific line by its index.

How do I read a specific character from a file in Python? ›

Code Explanation: Open a file in read mode that contains a character then use an Infinite while loop to read each character from the file and the loop will break if no character is left in the file to read then Display each character from each line in the text file.

How to read special characters in XML? ›

These characters can be represented using the following character substitutions:
  1. ● Ampersand (&) - &amp;
  2. ● Less than (<) - &lt;
  3. ● Greater than (>) - &gt;
  4. ● Quote (") - &quot;
  5. ● Apostrophe (') - &apos;

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