1. Prof Mohammad Zoualfaghari's Post - LinkedIn
7 okt 2021 · I am thrilled to announce that our #DigitalBusinessMarketplace #SmartMining has been announced as a FINALIST for the TM Forum Catalyst ...
I am thrilled to announce that our #DigitalBusinessMarketplace #SmartMining has been announced as a FINALIST for the TM Forum Catalyst Sustainability Award…
2. COOT: Cooperative Hierarchical Transformer for Video-Text...
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3. Prof Mohammad Zoualfaghari on LinkedIn: #oda #b2b2x
7 sep 2023 · Reza Zolfaghari, PhD. Senior Consultant - Rail & Transit Department driving agile project delivery. 1y. Report this ...
In this video discussion, Dwayne, Amit, Robin, and I dive deep into TELUS pioneering smart home solution – a global frontrunner in implementing TMF #ODA's open…
4. [PDF] Global Forum of Cancer Surgeons: Perspectives on Barriers to ...
Global Forum of Cancer Surgeons: Perspectives on Barriers to Surgical Care for Cancer Patients and Potential Solutions · 19 Citations · 9 References.
5. ّFallen Eagles / Iranian Pilots Killed in Action during Iran-Iraq War
11 okt 2017 · The IRIAF had lost 9 other pilots and 7 planes on same day. Total losses have raised to 27 with losses From 25/05/1358 (16 August 1979).
1- Afshin-Azar, Gholam-Hossein, Sargord (Maj.), Name in Native: سرگرد خلبان شهید غلامحسین افشین آذر Date and Place of Birth: 22 January 1948, Tehran, Tehran Provine, Iran. Date and Place of Loss: 23 September 1980, 5 km East of Musol, Iraq. Plane: F-5 E Tiger II. Cause of Loss: Iraqi...
6. Acta Chimica Slovenica
A forum for publication of original scientific research in all fields of chemistry. Year 2018, Vol. 65, No.1
Year 2018, Vol. 65, No.1
7. Global Forum of Cancer Surgeons: Perspectives on Barriers to ...
Amin Khoshakhlagh, Saeid Abroun, Seyed Soheil Aghaei, Mohammad Soleimani, Mohammad Reza Zolfaghari. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00203-022-03258-1. 2022, Archives ...
https://doi.org/10.1245/s10434-019-07301-2 · Full text
8. MohammadReza Zolfaghari - Google Scholar
Bevat niet: forum | Resultaten tonen met:forum
PhD, University of Freiburg - Cited by 1,909 - Video Generation - vision-Language - Computer Vision - Deep Learning
9. Deep Learning-Based Classification of Fluids with Different Ohnesorge ...
Medical Sciences Forum, Medicina, Medicines, Membranes, Merits, Metabolites, Metals ... Sardana, Pranshul, Mohammadreza Zolfaghari, Guilherme Miotto, Roland ...
The reliable non-contact dispensing of droplets in the pico- to microliter range is a challenging task. The dispensed drop volume depends on various factors such as the rheological properties of the liquids, the actuation parameters, the geometry of the dispenser, and the ambient conditions. Conventionally, the rheological properties are characterized via a rheometer, but this adds a large liquid overhead. Fluids with different Ohnesorge number values produce different spatiotemporal motion patterns during dispensing. Once the Ohnesorge number is known, the ratio of viscosity and surface tension of the liquid can be known. However, there exists no mathematical formulation to extract the Ohnesorge number values from these motion patterns. Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are great tools for extracting information from spatial and spatiotemporal data. The current study compares seven different CNN architectures to classify five liquids with different Ohnesorge numbers. Next, this work compares the results of various data cleaning conditions, sampling strategies, and the amount of data used for training. The best-performing model was based on the ECOmini-18 architecture. It reached a test accuracy of 94.2% after training on two acquisition batches (a total of 12,000 data points).
10. Knowledge sharing - Endangered Languages Project
Submitted by MohammadReza Zolfaghari · Tell us about your Endangered Languages ... Language documentation forum. About FAQ General terms of service ...
The Endangered Languages Project is a collaborative online platform for sharing knowledge and resources for endangered languages. Join this global effort to conserve linguistic diversity.
11. Current Drug Discovery Technologies - Ingenta Connect
The journal is the forum for publishing both original research papers ... Zolfaghari, Mohammad Reza. Add to favourites. Favourites: ADD. Review article.
12. Search | OpenReview
Yi Zhu, Xinyu Li, Chunhui Liu, Mohammadreza Zolfaghari, Yuanjun Xiong, Chongruo Wu, Zhi Zhang, Joseph Tighe, R. Manmatha, Mu Li. 2020 (modified: 01 Nov 2022) ...
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13. Biological Forum - An International Journal - Special Issue: 2015
Habib Zolfaghari* and Mehrdad Moharramzadeh**. View PDF Abstract. View XML ... Mohammad Reza Saadati*, Sadegh Farahmand Amin**, Donya Salimi***, Farhang ...
Biological Forum – An International Journal is Free Open Access, peer reviewed, Fast online article submission and review system, biannual research Journal which publishes recent researches in all thrust areas of Biology
14. Identifying the Mental Model of the Managers of Melli Bank Regarding ...
At Bank Melli Iran, which is the site of research, there are different opinions and views on quantum leadership, each of which is representing a specific intellectual model on the subject. These diverse opinions form a space for discourse. This study will identify this discursive space in detail and also analyze it in order to reveal organizational models to present strategies to plan the improvement of Bank Melli's policies and plans. The methodology used in this research is Q-sort or Q-methodology. This methodology was able to reveal several courses in the speech forum. Studying discursive space, 74 factors were detected. In analyzing these propositions, finally, 59 factors formalized Q expressions. These propositions that form the Q order, were written by paras on 59 cards. A sample of Bank Melli managers was then selected using Q-sort arrange for these cards on the Q-chart using defined instructions. In interpreting and the results obtained, three large models were identified including the ambassadors of change, the pioneers of protection and the drivers of stability.
15. RIPE NCC Regional Meeting Tehran Attendee List
mohammad reza, telecommunication company of golestan provience, IR. Omidvar ... TCI, IR. Zand, Reza, Pirooz Leen LLC, IR. Ziaee, Ali Asghar, NIOC, IR. Zolfaghari ...
RIPE NCC Regional Meeting Tehran - Attendee List