1. General profile: Djibouti - UNCTADstat
GDP. 1.121 Millions. 177.721 DJF/US$. 4 003 Millions current US$. Land area¹. Land area. CPI growth (%). CPI growth. GDP growth. (q) 23 180 km². 5.46 % ...
Overview of key economic statistics. The statistical themes covered are: International trade, economic trends, foreign direct investment, external financial resources, population and labor force, information economy and maritime transport.
2. [PDF] General Profile - UNCTADstat
(e) 483. Services exports by main category². (as % of total services). 2005 ... Real GDP growth, y-on-y, %. 3.56. 11.74. 7.70. 3.72. Current account balance ...
3. [PDF] Extensions of Remarks E483 HON. RON PACKARD - GovInfo
But U.S.-China trade amounts to a mere two-thirds of one percent of U.S. GDP. It amounts to fully 9 percent of. Chinese GDP. Revocation would ...
4. General government deficit shrinks to €483.4 mln in first nine months of ...
6 nov 2021 · Preliminary general government fiscal results indicate a deficit of €483.4 mln (2.1% of GDP) for the period of January-September 2021, ...
Preliminary general government fiscal results indicate […]
5. COVID-19 outbreak: Impact on global economy - PMC - NCBI
30 jan 2023 · The Coronavirus outbreak is causing a global economic collapse. Most countries have implemented full or partial lockdown measures to slow the spread of disease.
COVID-19 has been considered the most significant threat since World War II and the greatest global health disaster of the century. Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, reported a new infection affecting residents in December 2019. The Coronavirus Disease ...
6. Hansard Subject Index - 26th Legislature • E - legassembly.sk.ca
Gross domestic product (GDP) growth projections, C175 History, 2580–81 ... E483–85. Fish, wildlife and biodiversity branch, budget expenditures ...
See AlsoWate Traffic ReportRecognition
7. [PDF] Grant Performance Report - External Print Version - The Global Fund
18 sep 2017 · Health expenditure, private (% of GDP). 3. 2011. The World Bank Group (Data latest 2013. (update: 2011. Health expenditure, public (% of GDP). 2.
8. Nominal gross domestic product (GDP) - OECD
Bevat niet: e483 | Resultaten tonen met:e483
Gross domestic product (GDP) is the standard measure of the value added created through the production of goods and services in a country during a certain period.
9. Clutch of New Data Mostly Points to Accelerating Growth for Israel's ...
31 okt 2016 · Gross domestic product expanded at a 4.3% annualized rate – a 0.6 percentage point jump from the CBS's original estimate just two months ago – ...
Figures show export recovery, but consumer spending turns tepid and the jobless rate edges higher.
10. Goede Distributie Praktijken (GDP) - RIVM
Bevat niet: e483 | Resultaten tonen met:e483
Alle producten die gebruikt worden voor het RVP Rijksvaccinatie programma (Rijksvaccinatie programma), NPG Nationaal Programma Grieppreventie (Nationaal Programma Grieppreventie) en de andere preventieprogramma's zijn farmaceutische producten. Om deze producten te mogen verhandelen moet voldaan worden aan de GDP Good Distribution Practice (Good Distribution Practice)-richtsnoeren. De richtsnoeren 2013/C 343/01 inzake goede distributiepraktijken (GDP) voor geneesmiddelen voor menselijk gebruik is een Europese norm die eisen stelt aan de logistiek van geneesmiddelen, en die bijdraagt aan de garanties dat de geneesmiddelen die patiënten gebruiken van goede kwaliteit zijn.
11. nama_10_gdp - Statistics | Eurostat - European Union
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